awash - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of awash in Hindi

  • लहरों से बहाया हुआ
  • बहाया, धोया या काटा हुआ

awash Definition


  • covered or flooded with water, especially seawater or rain. ( पानी से ढंका या बाढ़, विशेष रूप से समुद्री जल या बारिश। )


  • the fact or condition of being banal; unoriginality. ( बांके होने का तथ्य या स्थिति; unoriginality। )

awash Example

  • He has five years left at the helm of a government awash with oil revenues. ( उनके पास तेल राजस्व के साथ एक सरकारी तबाही के पांच साल बाकी हैं। )
  • The next morning there was a last-minute change of plan to avoid arriving back in London while it was awash with May Day demonstrators. ( अगली सुबह लंदन में वापस आने से बचने के लिए योजना के अंतिम समय में बदलाव किया गया, जबकि मई दिवस प्रदर्शनकारियों के साथ यह जागरण था। )
  • Declared biologically dead in 1957, the Thames is now awash with wildlife, ecologists say. ( पारिस्थितिकीय कहते हैं, 1957 में जैविक रूप से मृत घोषित किया गया थाम्स अब वन्यजीवों के साथ जाग गया है। )
  • The room is a beehive, awash with noise. ( कमरा एक मधुमक्खी है, शोर के साथ जाग। )
  • They are reckoned to be the craziest in a city awash with yellow lines. ( वे पीले लाइनों के साथ एक शहर शामियाना में पागल होने के लिए माना जाता है। )
  • The yacht lay alongside the pier at a sharp cant, its left side decks awash with water. ( नौका तीक्ष्ण कैंट में घाट के किनारे बिछी हुई है, इसके बाईं ओर के डेक पानी से लथपथ हैं। )

More Sentence

  • Edinburgh is awash with restaurants, some good - some not so good.
  • This afternoon seemed awash with possibilities and promise.
  • Here we discovered a rock awash not noted in either chart or guide.
  • The media industry - no less than the campaign system - is awash in oceans of dollars.
  • Just today I heard from someone who came to see me in my office just exactly how awash with cash Government departments are.
  • But even that argument no longer applies now that Ireland is awash with euros, new factories and millionaires.
  • At the end of 2000, York was reduced to a sandbag city, hit by unprecedented levels of rain and awash with flood water.
  • The old place, awash with memories, is now hosting its last season before the club moves to its huge new stadium at nearby Ashburton Grove.
  • Ireland is in fact awash with tax reliefs and incentives.
  • The gutters were awash with dirty soot-flecked water, rushing down the storm-drain.
  • The Catalan capital was awash with the cream of the European cinema.
  • The recent pages of our publications are awash in stories of credit difficulty.
  • ‘We reckoned we were awash with knowledge on how a marina should operate,’ he laughed.
  • Every investment bank in the City is said to be awash with potential deals, which is sparking guessing games as to who will fall on to the auction block next.
  • I like the idea of dark banking transactions taking place in towns like Miltown Malbay, awash with transnational avarice.
  • Closing her eyes in anticipation, awash in the sensations he was arousing in her, she waited.
  • And as the winter rains pour down, the camp is awash with sewage and rubbish.
  • The streets are awash with people speaking English.
  • Two walls of the gallery are covered with her canvases, awash with deep blues and cheerful yellows.
  • This is poor seamanship, as a rock awash off Jones Point is not visible.
  • How things have changed: we are awash with extra-virgin olive oil and have overdosed on sun-dried tomatoes.
  • Soon enough he was inside, awash in cool dim light from above.
  • Watch the rock awash off the southern point and anchor in 20/30Ft of water.
  • Zambian courts are always awash with petitions every after election.