depravity - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of depravity in Hindi

  • भ्रष्टता
  • अनैतिकता
  • नीचता
  • दुराचारता
  • कलुषता
  • बुरा आचार
  • चरित्रहीनता
  • दुराचारिता

depravity Definition


  • moral corruption; wickedness.

depravity Example

  • Since you love Henry, you tend to ignore all the acts of depravity in which he engages. ( चूंकि आप हेनरी से प्यार करते हैं, आप उन सभी भ्रष्टता के कृत्यों की उपेक्षा करते हैं जिसमें वह संलग्न होता है। )
  • The witch’s depravity was known throughout the kingdom. ( पूरे राज्य में डायन की भ्रष्टता ज्ञात थी। )
  • After having been in operation for over sixty years, the prison is now being closed because of the guards’ depravity towards the inmates.  ( साठ साल से अधिक समय तक संचालन में रहने के बाद, कैदियों के प्रति गार्ड के दुराचार के कारण अब जेल को बंद किया जा रहा है। ) 
  • The judge gave the criminal extra years for the depravity of his offenses.  ( न्यायाधीश ने अपराधी को उसके अपराधों की भ्रष्टता के लिए अतिरिक्त वर्ष दिए। )

More Sentence

  • The disparities of fortune and the signs of depravity will impress the moralist.
  • In the same way the deadness of the conscience argues the utmost depravity of the will.
  • The name Adolf Hitler lives only in the annals of depravity.
  • As Artaud, Frey delivers a convincing portrayal of unapologetic depravity.
  • By today's standards, the depravity seems pretty tame.
  • It was an investment, not a sign of my depravity,
  • The crime's depravity stunned a city and a nation.
  • Purification of the ranks of Islam from the elements of depravity.
  • Kinnear makes Crane's initial steps into depravity delightfully smutty.
  • His depravity loomed to her enormous; but was that all there was to be said of him?
  • On what boundless sea of depravity the poor fragile bark is launched by the priest!
  • This misery was more frightful, because it was seen to flow from the depravity of the attendants.
  • The doctrines of total depravity and endless punishment were born of bad cooking and dyspepsia.
  • Kibei listened and applauded, with cynical amusement at the depravity of the impotent old man.
  • When man looks into his own heart he discovers a sinfulness and depravity as infinite as are his punishments.
  • According to the preacher, drinking too much alcohol is a sign of depravity.  
  • My grandmother says I live a life of depravity because I share a house with my boyfriend.  
  • When Jack thinks of all the acts of depravity he committed in college, he is ashamed of himself.  
  • We moved to the quiet country to keep our children away from the depravity of city life.