enpowerment - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of enpowerment in Hindi

  • सशक्तिकरण

enpowerment Definition


  • authority or power given to someone to do something.

enpowerment Example

  • a foundation to promote economic empowerment for poor communities ( गरीब समुदायों के लिए आर्थिक सशक्तिकरण को बढ़ावा देने के लिए एक नींव )
  • political steps for the empowerment of women ( महिला सशक्तिकरण के लिए राजनीतिक कदम )
  • We believe strongly in the empowerment of women. ( हम महिलाओं के सशक्तिकरण में दृढ़ता से विश्वास करते हैं। )
  • In the spirit of empowerment, the company has implemented a new system that asks employees to nominate one another for bonuses. ( सशक्तिकरण की भावना में, कंपनी ने एक नई प्रणाली लागू की है जो कर्मचारियों को बोनस के लिए एक दूसरे को नामांकित करने के लिए कहती है। )

More Sentence

  • The recent surge of strong female leads in popular movies and books has been a source of empowerment for many young women.
  • And on July 9th there wil be the actual empowerment.
  • I receive the vase empowerment, and the blessings of my.
  • In addition to coaching and conducting empowerment work-.
  • Wisdom) and his first empowerment, which was into the prac-.
  • And from that curt, modest reply was cultivated empowerment.
  • The empowerment of minorities is a top priority to help all in our community feel heard.
  • The Big Sky Youth Empowerment Project takes troubled youth away from their everyday lives and gives them opportunities to grow in the great outdoors.
  • individuals are given empowerment to create their own dwellings