degrading - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of degrading in Hindi

  • अपमानजनक
  • अपमान जनक
  • मान नाशक

degrading Definition


  • causing a loss of self-respect; humiliating.

degrading Example

  • It's as if she's bent on degrading herself. ( मानो वह खुद को नीचा दिखाने पर तुली हुई हो। )
  • His father died when he was three, his mother when he was only seven, and he grew up in a brutal and degrading environment where he learnt to hold human life and human dignity in contempt. ( जब वह तीन साल के थे, तब उनके पिता की मृत्यु हो गई, उनकी माँ जब वे केवल सात वर्ष की थीं, और वह एक क्रूर और अपमानजनक वातावरण में पले-बढ़े जहाँ उन्होंने मानव जीवन और मानव गरिमा को अवमानना ​​​​में रखना सीखा। )
  • In Naples King Ferdinand retained some of the laws and institutions of Murats rgime, and many of the functionaries of the former government entered Naples his service; but he revived the Bourbon tradition, the odious police system and the censorship; and a degrading religious bigotry, to which the masses were all too much inclined, became the basis of government and social iife. ( नेपल्स में किंग फर्डिनेंड ने मूरत शासन के कुछ कानूनों और संस्थानों को बरकरार रखा, और पूर्व सरकार के कई पदाधिकारियों ने नेपल्स में उनकी सेवा में प्रवेश किया; लेकिन उन्होंने बोर्बोन परंपरा, घृणित पुलिस व्यवस्था और सेंसरशिप को पुनर्जीवित किया; और एक अपमानजनक धार्मिक कट्टरता, जिसके प्रति जनता बहुत अधिक झुकी हुई थी, सरकार और सामाजिक जीवन का आधार बन गई। )
  • The women of the Welfare Alumni said the system was degrading. ( वेलफेयर एलुमनाई की महिलाओं ने कहा कि व्यवस्था अपमानजनक है। )

More Sentence

  • But that Zwingli did not reject the higher religious significance of the Eucharist, and was far from degrading the bread and wine into " nuda et inania symbola," as he was accused of doing, we see from his Fidei ratio ad Carolum Imperatorem (ib.
  • In a word, this diet disturbed the equilibrium of the state by enfeebling and degrading the middle classes.
  • Soon after, Edward made a successful effort to throw off his degrading dependence on his mother and her paramour.
  • The older songs are not degrading to women or anyone else.
  • His first publications, which appeared as rhymed allegories, were political rather than religious, being aimed at what he deemed the degrading Swiss practice of hiring out mercenaries in the European wars.
  • Later when the ice retreated farther and the unloaded streams returned to their earlier degrading habit, they more or less completely scoured out the valley deposits, the remains of which are now seen in terraces on either side of the present flood plains.
  • We did not engage in name-calling, degrading and verbally attacking others, even in our own defence.  
  • They violate the convention against torture and other forms of cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment.  
  • Such absolute power can easily corrupt, and it is no wonder that the feudal system in Pakistan is humanly degrading.  
  • She felt he was degrading her by making her report to the director.
  • Prisoners of war were subjected to inhuman and degrading treatment.
  • He found the work extremely degrading.
  • Many people agree that pornography is degrading to women.
  • The refugees had suffered degrading and inhuman treatment.
  • Mr Porter was subjected to a degrading strip-search.
  • This is because stores often hook up many TVs to one video source, degrading image quality across all the screens.  
  • Dante would usually take over and spoon-feed me, making my situation all the more degrading.
  • Industrial and boarding schools, established in several of the provinces, by separating the children from the degrading influences of their home life, have proved more effectual than day schools for training them in the habits and ideas of a higher civilization.
  • cruel or degrading treatment