evidently - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of evidently in Hindi

  • ज़रूर


  • बेशक
  • ज़रूर
  • निस्संदेह
  • स्पष्ट रूप से
  • जाहिर तौर पर

evidently Definition


  • plainly or obviously; in a way that is clearly seen or understood.
  • it is plain that; it would seem that.

evidently Example

  • evidently Mrs. Smith thought differently ( जाहिर है श्रीमती स्मिथ ने अलग तरह से सोचा )
  • He had evidently decided to hang back a little longer. ( जाहिर तौर पर उसने कुछ देर और रुकने का फैसला किया था। )
  • The next morning she was very docile, but evidently homesick. ( अगली सुबह वह बहुत विनम्र थी, लेकिन जाहिर तौर पर घर से परेशान थी। )

More Sentence

  • He had never heard of "talking-gloves"; but I explained that she had seen a glove on which the alphabet was printed, and evidently thought they could be bought.
  • But he was evidently depressed.
  • He was evidently much agitated.
  • He had evidently come in haste.
  • Evidently this war is the war.
  • Evidently she was his daughter.
  • With all straight A’s and the best quarterback on the football team, the young man would evidently get a full scholarship to the local university.  
  • Am I not evidently agitated?
  • It was evidently an old argument.
  • Evidently he had wanted to talk.
  • Pfuel was evidently of that sort.
  • She was evidently afraid of him.
  • He tossed the mail on the counter and walked out the back door – evidently in search of someone he wanted to talk to.
  • He evidently tried to find something to say, but failed.
  • a work so evidently laden with significance