decrease - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of decrease in Hindi

  • कमी
  • घटती
  • घटाव
  • न्यूनता
  • घटाना
  • कमी होना
  • न्यून करना
  • घटना
  • कम करना
  • कम होना
  • कमी हो जाना
  • घट जाना
  • छोटा हो जाना
  • कम हो जाना

decrease Definition


  • make or become smaller or fewer in size, amount, intensity, or degree.


  • an instance or example of becoming smaller or fewer.

decrease Example

  • If he wants to save money for his trip, Christian will need to decrease the amount of money he spends during the week.  ( अगर वह अपनी यात्रा के लिए पैसे बचाना चाहता है, तो ईसाई को सप्ताह के दौरान खर्च की जाने वाली राशि को कम करना होगा। )
  • If the homeowners decrease the price of the home by a few thousand dollars, they might be able to sell it.  ( अगर मकान मालिक घर की कीमत में कुछ हज़ार डॉलर की कमी करते हैं, तो वे इसे बेचने में सक्षम हो सकते हैं। )
  • the rate of decrease became greater. ( घटने की दर अधिक हो गई। )

More Sentence

  • Portland had a 12-percent decrease, the researchers said.
  • "I won't decrease my aggressiveness,"
  • "I'll retire before I decrease my aggressiveness.
  • "I won't decrease my aggressiveness,"
  • "I'll retire before I decrease my aggressiveness.
  • It's difficult to see decrease in a sentence .
  • The population of this country would decrease due to our low birth rate if we didn't have as much immigration.
  • There has been a significant decrease in interest rates over the last year, so housing sales are up.
  • It's difficult to see decrease in a sentence .
  • You increase and decrease the prices all the time without warning.
  • a decrease in births