defame - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of defame in Hindi
- बदनाम
- बदनाम करना
- अपकीर्ति करना
- कलंक लगाना
- गाली देना
- गलियां देना
- तिरस्कार करना
- निन्दा करना
- आक्षेप करना
- अपयश करना
- बदनामी लगाना
- अपवाद करना
- मानहानि करना
defame Definition
- damage the good reputation of (someone); slander or libel.
defame Example
- The newspaper denies any intention to defame the senator's reputation. ( अखबार सीनेटर की प्रतिष्ठा को बदनाम करने के किसी भी इरादे से इनकार करता है। )
- Of course, teachers can also sue individuals who defame them. ( बेशक, शिक्षक उन व्यक्तियों पर भी मुकदमा कर सकते हैं जो उन्हें बदनाम करते हैं। )
- Such lies are used to defame religion and its scholars. ( इस तरह के झूठ का इस्तेमाल धर्म और उसके विद्वानों को बदनाम करने के लिए किया जाता है। )
- You went along with her filthy plans to defame my mother. ( तुम उसकी गंदी योजनाओं के साथ मेरी माँ को बदनाम करने के लिए गए थे। )
More Sentence
- He realized that a time might come in any couple’s happy life when a lawyer’s black coat might defame their other colors of life.
- However we can also lie, spin, smear, defame, swift-boat, and threaten violence.
- Mamase's accusations are clearly untrue and they must therefore have been made maliciously and with an intention to defame me.
- For example, you and I cannot, merely by agreement between us, agree to defame someone else or to infringe on someone's trademarks.
- I recall Edward feeling frustrated and exasperated with this new attempt to defame him and discredit his work, but as usual, the attempt failed.
- The SPLA claims the raids were an attempt to defame and vilify teachers and demanded that the government discipline the inspectors involved.
- In the absence of that, it seems to me a political view that doesn't vilify anybody, doesn't defame anybody.
- However, no one dared to defame him or denounce him, taking into account that the few that tried, ended up buried six feet under in the depths of the Death Valley or missing from the face of the Earth.
- Also there are other tools of disinformation spreading parameters like books, novels, movies, magazines, columns, etc, all in attempts to defame Islam and to show wrong picture of Islam and Muslims the world over.
- His Irish superiors, along with the Vatican, had however refused to believe Nancy, instead proclaiming that she was lying and had caused the Christian Brother’s worsening condition in order to defame the Roman Catholic Church.
- Billy Bradford would seize any opportunity to defame them.
- I felt guilty that I had brought defame and ruin my family.
- Having a good conscience, that when they defame you as evildoers, may, by your behavior, be ashamed.
- Their attempt to defame China will get nowhere.
- CNN host Kafudi vicious attacks on abusive defame China to insult the Chinese people's remarks.