decently - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of decently in Hindi
- सभ्यता से
- शिष्टता से
- यथोचित
decently Definition
- in a way that conforms with generally accepted standards of respectable or moral behavior.
- to an acceptable or comfortable standard; satisfactorily.
decently Example
- customers were treated decently ( ग्राहकों के साथ अच्छा व्यवहार किया गया )
- they would like to be decently paid for the work they do ( वे चाहते हैं कि उनके द्वारा किए गए काम के लिए उन्हें उचित रूप से भुगतान किया जाए )
- But had she refused to dress ' decently ' for court, she would have been forced to do so. ( लेकिन अगर उसने अदालत के लिए 'सभ्य' कपड़े पहनने से इनकार कर दिया होता, तो उसे ऐसा करने के लिए मजबूर होना पड़ता। )
- One doesn't run to lawyers if he wants to stay in business because one must behave decently. ( यदि वह व्यवसाय में बने रहना चाहता है तो वकीलों के पास नहीं भागता क्योंकि उसे शालीनता से व्यवहार करना चाहिए। )
More Sentence
- A moral theory of the decently encumbered self should be enough.
- This created a new problem of decently rehousing the thousands of people at high densities on cramped sites.
- Under these conditions of stationariness, the rebels have behaved unusually decently. 31.
- In addition, poverty alleviation must be driven by the creation of stable and decently remunerated employment opportunities in both rural and urban areas.
- For patterns, the equivalence classes are decently small, but forcing gives only a partial ordering which is difficult to investigate.
- If men who have served the industry well are never to work again, it is right that they should be treated decently.
- I think there is some reasonable medium between a decently-constructed modern building and this somewhat inadequate place where we are now.
- Encouraged and taught to work, he soon sees the advantage of earning money, lives better, becomes more intelligent, and dresses himself more decently.
- It was very difficult to dress decently on the allowances given then.
- Special rooms, which are decently furnished, are available in the prisons.
- he batted decently but not spectacularly
- the interior is decently furnished
- the chances of getting enough cash to live decently are poor
- the thriller was decently received by reviewers
- she must dress decently and not flash too much flesh
- parents can teach their children how to behave decently
- a decently priced restaurant
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