dazzling - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of dazzling in Hindi
- चकाचौंधा
- बहुत चमकीला
- चौंधियानेवाला
- चकाचौंध में डालनेवाला
- चकरा देनेवाला
dazzling Definition
- extremely bright, especially so as to blind the eyes temporarily.
dazzling Example
- the sunlight was dazzling ( सूरज की रोशनी चकाचौंध थी )
- So dazzling was the light, it penetrated even the darkness that veils my eyes. ( प्रकाश इतना चकाचौंध था, इसने मेरी आंखों को ढकने वाले अंधेरे में भी प्रवेश कर लिया। )
- After a time the flame becomes dazzling white, showing that zinc vapour is beginning to escape. ( कुछ समय बाद लौ चमकदार सफेद हो जाती है, यह दर्शाता है कि जस्ता वाष्प निकलने लगा है। )
- They are in fact suspended in a state of vapour between our eyes and the photosphere, the dazzling prismatic radiance of which they, to a minute extent, intercept, thus writing their signatures on the coloured scroll of dispersed sunshine. ( वे वास्तव में हमारी आंखों और फोटोस्फीयर के बीच वाष्प की स्थिति में निलंबित हैं, चकाचौंध करने वाली प्रिज्मीय चमक जिसमें से वे एक मिनट की सीमा तक अवरोधन करते हैं, इस प्रकार बिखरे हुए धूप के रंगीन स्क्रॉल पर अपने हस्ताक्षर लिखते हैं। )
More Sentence
- This café is a perfect place to enjoy good food and dazzling sunsets simultaneously.
- The water of most of the springs and geysers holds silica in solution in considerable quantities, so that as it cools and evaporates it deposits a dazzling white sinter which has covered many square miles of the valleys and contrasts strongly with the dark green of the surrounding forests.
- The dazzling white effect of their peaks is produced, not by snow, as among the Himalayas, but by enormous masses of vitreous rose-coloured quartz.
- Political insight is wholly wanting to Socrates; all the orthodox emperors blaze forth in a uniform light of dazzling splendour; even the miserable Arcadius is praised, and Theodosius II.
- Think, thou whom folly's dazzling glare.
- For a searing second it stood dazzling far.
- The whole hill was crowned with dazzling light.
- I’m a bit surprised by the less than dazzling.
- Dazzling the Crowds with Updated Kitchens and Baths.
- Even in the dull prison clothes she looked dazzling.
- His eyes widen as a dazzling smile forms on his face.
- The curtain fell away to reveal a dazzling skylight.
- The setting sun cast a dazzling light on the window.
- His dazzling achievements as a general have obscured his more sober qualities as a ruler, and even the sound strategy, with which he aimed to be master of the narrow seas.
- Sheridan's speech in the House of Commons upon the charge relative to the begums of Oude probably excelled anything that Burke achieved, as a dazzling performance abounding in the most surprising literary and rhetorical effects.
- Seen from a distance it appears like a succession of dazzling white terraces rising from the water's edge.
- I do not know, but it will certainly happen! thought Pierre, glancing at those dazzling shoulders close to his eyes.
- When the sun had entirely emerged from the fog, and fields and mist were aglow with dazzling light--as if he had only awaited this to begin the action--he drew the glove from his shapely white hand, made a sign with it to the marshals, and ordered the action to begin.
- a dazzling display of football
- a dazzling smile