day by day - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of day by day in Hindi
- दिन प्रति दिन
day by day Definition
- on each successive day; gradually and steadily.
day by day Example
- And down on the factory floor, under limited supervision, machines run the day-to-day. ( और कारखाने के फर्श पर, सीमित पर्यवेक्षण के तहत, मशीनें दिन-प्रतिदिन चलती हैं। )
- The couple existed day-to-day until the court case in November, when they had to come face-to-face with the victims' families for the first time. ( नवंबर में अदालती मामले तक दंपति दिन-प्रतिदिन मौजूद थे, जब उन्हें पहली बार पीड़ित परिवारों के साथ आमना-सामना करना पड़ा। )
- But men and women do face a range of different choices and obstacles when planning their financial futures and day-to-day management. ( लेकिन पुरुषों और महिलाओं को अपने वित्तीय भविष्य और दिन-प्रतिदिन के प्रबंधन की योजना बनाते समय विभिन्न विकल्पों और बाधाओं का सामना करना पड़ता है। )
- By focusing on one set of issues at a time, his team deals better with both day-to-day issues and future strategy. ( एक समय में मुद्दों के एक सेट पर ध्यान केंद्रित करके, उनकी टीम दिन-प्रतिदिन के मुद्दों और भविष्य की रणनीति दोनों से बेहतर तरीके से निपटती है। )
More Sentence
- Whatever romantic notions they have about pioneer life quickly dissolve in the day-to-day imperatives of survival in this wilderness.
- People live their lives day-to-day, but I know I might not be around next year.
- Micro-management of the day-to-day and lack of commitment to the overall goals are historic descriptions of generations of board members.
- These rates cannot help but influence the development of adolescents attempting to survive on a day-to-day existence.
- But Mr Waters says inspectors can be out of touch with what it is like to be working day-to-day in a classroom.
- They came to Ireland and found a warmth and an ease in communicating day-to-day that is remarkably different to England.
- So, they live a day-to-day existence, unsure of what the future will bring.
- This makes it difficult to generalise about which family members might be available on a day-by-day basis to seniors in need.
- Families and individuals can, in principle, thus be followed on a day-by-day basis for a long period.
- On a day-by-day basis fewer deliveries occur at the weekend, but the opposite was true for preterm births in the early 1980s.
- When a household has to contend with a near continuous state of food uncertainty, its livelihood strategies revolve around the imperative of obtaining food on a day-by-day basis.
- What was he doing on a day-by-day basis?
- In large measure, diabetics have to care for themselves on a day-by-day basis.
- We are also taking other action to help on a day-by-day basis.
- The shipyard concerned stands to lose a lot of money on a day-by-day basis until the ship is delivered; and it is a contract that we are having to dishonour.
- A simple test for liquidity risk is to look at future net cash flows on a day-by-day basis.
- Too many of us have become caught up in the day-to-day struggle to survive and in our private lives.
- He hopes to do bigger projects in the future but must always cope with the day-to-day necessities.
- For Australian mothers, the conundrum of achieving work-life balance extends beyond surviving the day-to-day difficulties.
- Surrendering their most important form of identification will make it impossible to function in ordinary day-to-day life.
- If you're not involved day-to-day in the group's existence, it's difficult to make contact with those who are.
- He had a lot of empathy with our clients, but day-to-day he wasn't in contact with them.