August - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of August in Hindi
- अगस्त
- अगस्त माहीना
August Definition
- the eighth month of the year, in the northern hemisphere usually considered the last month of summer. ( वर्ष के आठवें महीने, उत्तरी गोलार्ध में आमतौर पर गर्मियों का आखिरी महीना माना जाता है। )
- respected and impressive. ( सम्मानित और प्रभावशाली। )
August Example
- She became depressed again and was prescribed the drug for a second time in August last year. ( वह फिर से उदास हो गई और पिछले साल अगस्त में दूसरी बार दवा निर्धारित की गई। )
- He is in Ireland until the end of August for his summer tour and we wish him well with that. ( वह अपने ग्रीष्मकालीन दौरे के लिए अगस्त के अंत तक आयरलैंड में है और हम उसके साथ अच्छी तरह से कामना करते हैं। )
- Of the six women to die in the 12 months to August , an inquest on only one has been held to date. ( 12 महीने से अगस्त तक मरने वाली छह महिलाओं में से केवल एक के बारे में आज तक पूछताछ हुई है। )
- He offered the use of his property for the month of August , and the show was back on. ( उन्होंने अगस्त महीने के लिए अपनी संपत्ति का उपयोग करने की पेशकश की, और शो वापस आ गया था। )
- Grapes in these warm, humid states are usually picked in late July or early August . ( इन गर्म, नम राज्यों में अंगूर आमतौर पर जुलाई के अंत या अगस्त की शुरुआत में उठाए जाते हैं। )
More Sentence
- He generally arrives in late August or early September and stays for about six weeks.
- he'll be finished by August
- the sultry haze of late August
- Both hockey and football events will now take place in late August or early September.
- Her daughter Rebecca will be four in August and starts at a new school in January next year.
- I had the misfortune to be unemployed for six weeks between July and August this year.
- He will return to his base in two weeks' time before taking a month off in August .
- this is the month of August
- Bear hunting is permitted in Russia for a period in spring and between August and October.
- We arrived in England to be greeted by the cool August evening weather and that helped us to relax a lot.
- Work on the building is due to be started in August and be completed by the end of the year.
- The final bids will be considered next August and a decision taken by the end of the year.
- In August , she announced that she was setting up her own literary agency in Edinburgh.
- last August
- I spent the entire month of August in Wisconsin, not too far from the local airport.
- The best time for such work is on a sunny August afternoon, when it is hot and muggy.
- the beginning of August
- 25 August
- an August cold snap
- the second week of August
- In August of the same year he organized an unprecedented summer school in Vienna.
- He kept up the lie for nearly two decades until his cheating ways caught up with him last August .
- the wettest August in six years
- wait until August
- The media reported that it has been ‘one of the wettest Augusts on record… and Skipton has been one of the areas worst affected’.