cross-fertilize - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of cross-fertilize in Hindi

  • पार खाद

cross-fertilize Definition


  • Biology. the fertilization of an organism by the fusion of an egg from one individual with a sperm or male gamete from a different individual.
  • Botany. fertilization of the flower of one plant by a gamete from the flower of a closely related plant (opposed to self-fertilization).
  • (not in technical use) cross-pollination.
  • interaction or interchange, as between two or more cultures, fields of activity or knowledge, or the like, that is mutually beneficial and productive:

cross-fertilize Example

  • We hope to cross-fertilize the company with the expertise we've gained from other industries. ( हम अन्य उद्योगों से प्राप्त विशेषज्ञता के साथ कंपनी को क्रॉस-फर्टिलाइज करने की उम्मीद करते हैं। ) 
  • Considering from the difference of cross-fertilize composes and natural fructification rate, intensity difference of cross-fertilize compatibility exists among different almond varieties. ( क्रॉस-फर्टिलाइज कम्पोज और प्राकृतिक फ्रुक्टिफिकेशन दर के अंतर को ध्यान में रखते हुए, विभिन्न बादाम किस्मों के बीच क्रॉस-फर्टिलाइज संगतता की तीव्रता का अंतर मौजूद है। )
  • Through metaphoric language, we can understand one-thing in terms of another's properties, and so cross-fertilize our impressions (Alexander, 1969). ( लाक्षणिक भाषा के माध्यम से, हम एक चीज को दूसरे के गुणों के संदर्भ में समझ सकते हैं, और इसलिए अपने छापों को पार कर सकते हैं (सिकंदर, 1969)। )

More Sentence

  • Information about the diversity and " S . cereanum s " ability to cross fertilize with other species is useful information for scientists to know as they attempt to come up with various plant species that will be able to feed humanity in the future without leaving a negative footprint on the environment.
  • Considering from the difference of cross-fertilize composes and natural fructification rate, intensity difference of cross-fertilize compatibility exists among different almond varieties.
  • It's difficult to see cross fertilize in a sentence .