banner headline - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of banner headline in Hindi
- बैनर शीर्षक
- बैनर
- झंडा
- ध्वज
- पताका
- झंडी
- झंडा लगाना
banner headline Definition
- a long strip of cloth bearing a slogan or design, hung in a public place or carried in a demonstration or procession. ( किसी नारे या डिज़ाइन को धारण करने वाले कपड़े की एक लंबी पट्टी, जिसे किसी सार्वजनिक स्थान पर लटका दिया जाता है या प्रदर्शन या जुलूस में ले जाया जाता है। )
- a heading or advertisement appearing on a web page in the form of a bar, column, or box. ( एक बार, कॉलम या बॉक्स के रूप में एक वेब पेज पर दिखाई देने वाला शीर्षक या विज्ञापन। )
- excellent; outstanding. ( अति उत्कृष्ट; बकाया। )
banner headline Example
- Well, if this is the kind of tone he wants to set for his party, 2006 will be another banner year for Republicans. ( ठीक है, अगर इस तरह की टोन वह अपनी पार्टी के लिए सेट करना चाहता है, तो 2006 रिपब्लिकन के लिए एक और बैनर वर्ष होगा। )
- The name of the game is to broadcast banners in front of as many voters while they're online, so more of them can click on the banner , visit the Web site and learn about the candidate. ( गेम का नाम ऑनलाइन रहते हुए कई मतदाताओं के सामने बैनर प्रसारित करना है, इसलिए उनमें से अधिक बैनर पर क्लिक कर सकते हैं, वेब साइट पर जा सकते हैं और उम्मीदवार के बारे में जान सकते हैं। )
- We didn't have soft money, but we had ideas and we had vision and we had principles and we had things that attracted Americans to our banner . ( हमारे पास नरम पैसा नहीं था, लेकिन हमारे पास विचार थे और हमारे पास दृष्टि थी और हमारे पास सिद्धांत थे और हमारे पास ऐसी चीजें थीं जो अमेरिकियों को हमारे बैनर की ओर आकर्षित करती थीं। )
- Now that Gonzalez has rejected the Yankees, perhaps he can concentrate on turning a disappointing season into another banner year. ( अब जब गोंजालेज ने यांकीज़ को अस्वीकार कर दिया है, तो शायद वह निराशाजनक सीजन को एक और बैनर वर्ष में बदलने पर ध्यान केंद्रित कर सकता है। )
- To be sure, and despite some close calls, it was another banner year for Wall Street Structured Finance. ( निश्चित रूप से, और कुछ करीबी कॉल के बावजूद, यह वॉल स्ट्रीट स्ट्रक्चर्ड फाइनेंस के लिए एक और बैनर वर्ष था। )
- In asserting this, the Reformation unfurls the banner of Free Spirit and proclaims as its essential principle: Man is in his very nature destined to be free. ( इस पर विचार करते हुए, रिफॉर्म फ्री स्पिरिट के बैनर को उघाड़ता है और इसके आवश्यक सिद्धांत के रूप में घोषणा करता है: मनुष्य अपने स्वभाव में है जो मुक्त होना चाहिए। )
- Adam Smith, whose banner Milton Friedman has borne high, said, ‘There is much ruin in a nation.’ ( एडम स्मिथ, जिनके बैनर मिल्टन फ्रीडमैन ने जन्म लिया है, ने कहा, 'एक राष्ट्र में बहुत बर्बादी होती है।' )
More Sentence
- As his Roush Racing teammates had banner seasons, Jeff Burton continued to slide.
- Stunningly, while their founder and guiding spirit has been sidelined, Graves's firms have had banner years.
- Last year was another banner year for the U.S. motorcycle market, which continues to enjoy growth across the board.
- The decade had two true banner years, at its beginning and its midpoint.
- The day before Ælfred was expected two riders came down the clay road through Kilton, bearing each the banner of the King of Wessex.
- Set up a rotating banner system on your web site and track response rates.
- Over 10,000 miners held a demonstration, carrying a banner denouncing the government and calling for the arrest and public trial of the mine bureau directors.
- Most of the commercial media on the Web is free and supported by banner and text ads.
- Workers carried a large Solidarity banner and chanted antigovernment slogans during the demonstration.
- But even in that banner year, Apple's creative energy hasn't amounted to very much in financial terms.
- The shouts went up from men who'd already seen Mathian's banner fall, and panic spread out from them like pestilence.
- A young person from each parish will carry their parish banner in the entrance procession.
- Different types of oranges have good years and bad years, L' Hoste says, adding that one banner crop is typically balanced by a sluggish one.
- Green's banner season was not entirely a surprise, though.
- Users visiting websites that carry banner advertising delivered by our system were periodically delivered a file from the compromised site.
- How sad it was to see so much fervour amongst my own countrymen in taking up the banner of support for the US in their actions against Iraq.
- The offense still is one of the league's best with WRs Ed McCaffrey and Rod Smith having banner seasons.
- It has been another banner year for baseball's most storied, hated franchise.
- With just a slight stretch of the imagination, fanatical support for a football club could come under the religion banner .
- A website logo or banner should be a static graphic or text element on the page.
- Special requests were sent to technology centres in various universities and colleges to allow us to place a banner on their Web site and to invite student participation.
- Appropriately, the cultural-historical monument has been built close to where King Sakha raised his banner of revolt and ultimately welded his people into the force that it is today.
- His Noodles & Co. restaurant chain has had another banner year, and he's reaped some rewards from the down economy.