crazily - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of crazily in Hindi
- क्षीणतापूर्वक
- पागलपन से
- डावाँडोल ढंग से
crazily Definition
- in a mad, wild, or erratic way.
- in an extremely enthusiastic way.
- to a great or absurd extent
crazily Example
- an audience of boys laughed crazily ( लड़कों का एक दर्शक पागलपन से हँसा )
- Crazily, he wanted to hum the backward music. ( पागलपन की हद तक, वह पिछड़े संगीत को गुनगुनाना चाहता था। )
- The commander flung a burst of light at them and laughed crazily as the monster scurried back. ( सेनापति ने उन पर प्रकाश डाला और राक्षस के पीछे भागते ही पागलपन से हँसे। )
- Occasionally the flames would bend, twist and writhe crazily as the punka-boy bestirred himself. ( कभी-कभी आग की लपटें झुक जातीं, मुड़ जातीं और पागल हो जातीं क्योंकि पंक-लड़के ने खुद को सर्वश्रेष्ठ किया। )
More Sentence
- And as soon as they had both mounted to their places, the vehicle crazily trundled from the station.
- It was scarcely possible, they argued, that the man seen running crazily about had escaped a mortal hurt.
- Such a discussion, at such a moment, savored of rank lunacy, but it was better to act crazily than dishonorably.
- I hustled up to drive crazily off to the hospital.
- My limbs responded crazily, I had no coordination at first.
- A crazily high market price for the stock of a tottering giant.
- My fears that Lope had done something crazily dangerous caused.
- the couple crazily hoped he would give his blessings
- I walked at his side as if I were drunk, bumping into him, drifting crazily off.
- The first special product of nurturing bone in China, from Xining to globe, let earthman nurture bone crazily.
- The beautiful headmaster is leading the students to read English crazily.
- they're soul mates and absolutely crazily in love
- Ferial, kusama restraint and quiet, young Oriental female faces in New York city art is very fresh, But in performance, she crazily, completely release even nudity.
- Sometimes a voice from my heart has counseled me, crazily.
- He beat time on the accelerator. The car jerked crazily.
- In other words, you should read and speak English crazily every day.
- The three of us set off, our wheels skidding crazily under that drenching rain.
- If the Cat has zero lives, he will fly away forever, rotating crazily.
- Then, out of the chaos, I saw our broken raft spinning crazily past us.
- One crazily important question Jonathan did not ask was about Brad Dellan.
- I think his own luck zapped him, Kara said, and laughed a little crazily.
- One hind leg dangled crazily, but there was no blood.
- But Margot also crazily refuses to take responsibility for her act.
- Our transportation needs are great and our transportation agenda crazily skewed.
- The usual symptoms are Polynesian for " to fall crazily ".
- Fred talks nervously as she crazily scribbles on the cave walls.
- The loop is six inches in diameter and dances crazily.
- His world changes crazily with each call on his pager.
- Osgood reached out to corral the crazily bouncing puck with his stick.
- It's difficult to see crazily in a sentence .
- Practically the next moment, Dierker's neurons were misfiring crazily.
- Horse and thrown rider tumbled crazily along, as they were carried toward its.
- The needle screeched crazily across the record as the top caved in on top of it.
- this year has gone crazily fast