cowl - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of cowl in Hindi
- काउल
- काव्ल
- भिक्षुओं का टोपयुक्त परिधान
cowl Definition
- a large loose hood, especially one forming part of a monk's habit.
cowl Example
- cowl neck with a body fitting silhouette in gray wool. ( भूरे रंग के ऊन में एक शरीर फिटिंग सिल्हूट के साथ काउल गर्दन। )
- At the touch of a button the fully automatic, insulated cloth top folds seamlessly below the rear cowl. ( एक बटन के स्पर्श पर पूरी तरह से स्वचालित, इंसुलेटेड क्लॉथ टॉप रियर काउल के नीचे मूल रूप से फोल्ड हो जाता है। )
- Placing the hood of his cowl over his head, the monk made his way into the temple. ( अपने लबादे का फन सिर पर रखकर, साधु मंदिर में प्रवेश कर गया। )
- The monk’s cowl was long and hooded, making him appear more secretive and aloof. ( भिक्षु का लबादा लंबा और हुड वाला था, जिससे वह अधिक गुप्त और अलग दिखाई देता था। )
More Sentence
- A hooded cowl was part of a monk’s official dress and these clerics barely left the monastery without this long cloak.
- The religious friar adjusted his hooded cowl before stepping into the English abbey.
- The monk couldn’t find his red cloak, so he had to wear his black cowl instead.
- It doth not consist in going about begging, or in wearing a black or a grey cowl."
- patriarchs and bishops, have taken monkish vows and worn the cowl.
- Clyde, for example, has cowl over chimney (7) 16.
- A colour-matched molded plastic pillion pad cowl that snaps into place to accentuate the CBR600RR's purposefully competitive look.
- Arenig Fawr - A new chimney cowl will be fitted soon.
- In fact, the front cowl has a smaller frontal area than the 600.
- cowl edge faced inside three inches with dark green silk; (c) a mortarboard of black cloth.
- cowl collar, not the oversized version which falls low.
- Next up comes a big fanks to Paul from Kawasaki who sorted me out with a smart seat cowl.
- The roof is pierced by the wind cowl that rises above the debating chamber at the center of the building.
- It is not the cowl that makes the monk any more than it is the dress that makes the woman.
- Tam kept his hand within the cowl for a good while, as if groping which to select.
- The entire cowl board turned down, revealing a compact but powerful wireless outfit.
- Do you think I would not recognize her even if she came in a black cowl and robe?
- I detected a helmet beneath a cowl of one of the rascals I kicked into the cellar.
- And he drew his cowl over his face, and, hiding his hands in his sleeves, moved towards the door.
- The cowl will mask you as well as another, and pass you through the streets better than a cut sleeve.
- Under the cowl was the lover with whom Mademoiselle's thoughts had been engaged.
- The master of the observing vessel altered his course and lit a smoke cowl to screen his ship, but it was not very effective.
- Misfortune made immortal these lovers, one of whom took the veil and the other the cowl and whose story has survived that of kingdoms.
- His cowl had two holes cut for the eyes and a slit at the mouth, and she was wondering what manner of face it concealed.
- Vertical ducts should be fitted with a condensation trap and a weather proof cowl of sufficient free area for the air volume.
- May 1963 Deletion of chrome trim previously fitted within instrument cowl (barely visible in most contemporary photos ).
- New Rally style black headlamp cowl designed by Peter Stevens.