closely - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of closely in Hindi

  • निकट से
  • निकट
  • नज़दीक
  • ध्यान से
  • चोरी-चोरी
  • गुप्त रूप से
  • पास-पास
  • लगभग

closely Definition


  • with little or no space or time in between.
  • in a way that involves a strong resemblance or connection.
  • in a careful and attentive way.

closely Example

  • we will be working closely with stakeholders ( हम हितधारकों के साथ मिलकर काम करेंगे )
  • a  closely fought contest ( एक करीबी लड़ाई लड़ी )
  • the two companies collaborate closely( दोनों कंपनियां निकट सहयोग करती हैं )
  • a closely guarded plan ( बारीकी से पहरा देने की योजना )
  • the real-world injuries  closely mirrored the university's experimental data ( वास्तविक दुनिया की चोटों ने विश्वविद्यालय के प्रायोगिक आंकड़ों को बारीकी से दिखाया )

More Sentence

  • both children are clearly very closely attached to their parents
  • closely spaced homes
  • the students had to answer questions closely related to what they just learned
  • the medical sergeant follows closely behind the squad
  • patients have to be watched closely for side effects
  • he has bonded very closely with his Miami family
  • pens of closely confined fish
  • expand_lessFewer examples
  • He didn't expect a reply and started forward, trailed closely by Yully.
  • You're either lying or not looking closely enough.
  • Watch closely by the end.
  • He looked closely at her.
  • The two are closely tied.
    Jenn looked at her closely , uncertain how to take the words.
  • Dean held his wife closely, expecting more tears, but they didn't come.
  • I peered closely , searching to see if I could detect any movement but saw nothing.
  • It’s amazing how closely Brian and Steve resemble each other.