decay - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of decay in Hindi

  • क्षय
  • सड़न
  • नाश
  • स्वास्थ्य की खराबी
  • गलन
  • सड़ना
  • गलना
  • नष्ट होना
  • क्षीण करना
  • क्षीण होना
  • बिगड़ना
  • अपक्षय
  • अपकर्ष
  • अवसाद

decay Definition


  • (of organic matter) rot or decompose through the action of bacteria and fungi.


  • the state or process of rotting or decomposition.

decay Example

  • the fungus will decay soft timber ( कवक नरम लकड़ी का क्षय करेगा )
  • the decay of electrical fields in the electromagnets ( विद्युत चुम्बकों में विद्युत क्षेत्रों का क्षय )
  • the old barn rapidly fell into decay ( पुराना खलिहान तेजी से क्षय में गिर गया )
  • Some species rapidly change colour, and cause the decay of any others with which they come in contact. ( कुछ प्रजातियां तेजी से रंग बदलती हैं, और किसी अन्य के संपर्क में आने से उनके क्षय का कारण बनती हैं। )

More Sentence

  • The rise of Neapolis (Shechem) in the neighbourhood caused the decay of Sebaste.
  • Though rebuilt, the building fell into decay after the Dissolution.
  • The explanation of this decay of interest does not lie upon the surface.
  • Its rise and development and decay deserve a more thorough study than they have yet received.
  • Theta characterizes the speed of time decay.
  • The tree had not rotted, falling from decay.
  • The stench of wet decay was almost a comfort.
  • And the amount of decay that has already.
  • She wrinkled her nose at the smell of decay.
  • With the decay of her mining industries, Ouro Preto had become merely the political centre of the state.
  • at the age of twenty-eight, was not calculated to arrest the progress of decay within the Ottoman Empire.
  • During the latter part of the Saxon period the numbers of the population of the country began to decay; this decay, however, was arrested by the Norman Conquest.
  • The loss to Spain was enormous, and from this act of the Dominican the commercial decay of Spain dates.
  • bacterial decay
  • preachers warning of moral decay
  • fluoride heals small spots of decay
  • the gas radon is produced by the decay of uranium in rocks and soil
  • urban neighborhoods decay when elevated freeways replace surface roads
  • the body had begun to decay
  • After years of decay, the shoreline became so ugly that people started to avoid it entirely.  
  • Our house is built from a durable kind of wood that is treated to prevent decay.  
  • Sean’s dentist says that plaque buildup can cause tooth decay, which is why brushing teeth is so important.  
  • The rotting garbage on our neighbor’s porch started to decay, filling our street with a vile stench.
  • the time taken for the current to decay to zero
  • hardwood is more resistant to decay than softwood
  • the trapped radiocarbon begins to decay at a known rate