diminish - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of diminish in Hindi

  • घटाना
  • कम करना
  • कमी करना
  • छोटा करना
  • शक्तिहीन करना
  • नीचा दिखाना
  • अपमानित करना
  • ह्रास होना

diminish Definition


  • make or become less.

diminish Example

  • A tax whose purpose is to diminish spending ( एक कर जिसका उद्देश्य खर्च कम करना है )
  • But no one wants to diminish the possible influence of Walsh. ( लेकिन कोई भी वॉल्श के संभावित प्रभाव को कम नहीं करना चाहता। )
  • That does not diminish Turner's impact with the Cowboys. ( यह काउबॉय के साथ टर्नर के प्रभाव को कम नहीं करता है। )
  • It makes them laughable, it diminishes a quite splendid season. ( यह उन्हें हंसाने योग्य बनाता है, यह काफी शानदार मौसम को कम कर देता है। )

More Sentence

  • Those runaways may diminish in these third-round games Thursday:
  • But they never diminish the big guy's sunny temperament.
  • Green lacewings diminish aphid and mealybug populations as well as thrips.
  • They didn’t want to diminish my work, but they had decided to publish another article in the paper.  
  • My bank account began to diminish when I made several large purchases.  
  • As the rain began to diminish, we headed out to the park.  
  • I had so much paperwork to do that it seemed it would never diminish.  
  • Remove the pot from the heat, and the bubbles diminish.
  • My fear would be that his interest in it would diminish.
  • That would diminish some of the gain from what you got.
  • "I'm trying to diminish expectations,"
  • It's difficult to see diminish in a sentence .
  • When consumer spending declines, the risk of faster inflation diminishes.
  • There are moments when the fires diminish and the engine sputters.
  • Jacobs sought for years to diminish the perks afforded retired Presidents.
  • The pain will gradually diminish