cough - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of cough in Hindi
- खांसी
- खांसना
cough Definition
- expel air from the lungs with a sudden sharp sound.
- an act or sound of coughing.
cough Example
- he looked feverish and had a bad cough ( वह बुखार से पीड़ित दिख रहा था और उसे बुरी खांसी थी )
- Her hacking cough had become unproductive, and even breathing was a chore. ( उसकी हैकिंग खांसी अनुत्पादक हो गई थी, और यहां तक कि सांस लेना भी एक घर का काम था। )
- Tom neglected his cough and got bronchitis. ( टॉम ने अपनी खांसी की उपेक्षा की और ब्रोंकाइटिस हो गया। )
- Such a cough is relieved by the sedative action on the central nervous system. ( केंद्रीय तंत्रिका तंत्र पर शामक क्रिया से ऐसी खांसी से राहत मिलती है। )
- And on my honor, in spite of the cough I caught there, I should be ready to begin again. ( और मेरे सम्मान पर, खांसी के बावजूद मुझे वहां पकड़ा गया, मुझे फिर से शुरू करने के लिए तैयार रहना चाहिए। )
More Sentence
- I'm concerned about my wife's hacking cough.
- In bronchitis with profuse expectoration the use of morphine is particularly dangerous, as it is likely to check the cough so necessary for getting rid of the secretion, but in the converse condition it usefully allays the harassing cough by diminishing the excitability of the respiratory centre.
- George Herbert once observed that both love and a cough cannot be hidden.
- The average cough comes out of your mouth at over 50 miles per hour.
- The therapeutic measures employed in these different cases may be directed towards alleviating the symptoms, such as itching, pain, cough and swelling, in which case the treatment will be merely symptomatic; or they may be directed towards removing the root of the disease, viz.
- In January 1725 he was seized with a violent cough and inflammation of the lungs, which induced him to reside at Kensington; and in the following month he had a severe attack of gout, which produced a decided improvement in his general health.
- In the same way, the reflex act of coughing is useful in removing either foreign bodies or excessive secretion from the air passages; but when the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract is irritated and inflamed, it produces a feeling of tickling and a desire to cough sometimes very violently; yet the coughing simply tends to exhaust the patient, because there is really little or nothing to bring up. The same is the case in inflammation of the lung substance itself.
- I might have seen Mrs. Wiggin, the sweet author of "Birds' Christmas Carol," but she had a dangerous cough and could not come.
- He sees well enough, said Prince Vasili rapidly, in a deep voice and with a slight cough--the voice and cough with which he was wont to dispose of all difficulties.
- The pneumonia is usually lobular, the onset marked by rigors, with difficult and hurried breathing, cough and expectoration.
- Such patients are apt to suffer much from cough and laryngeal irritation in the cold, dry air of the Alps, whereas they live in comparative comfort on the Riviera, in the Canary Islands, Madeira or at Capri.
- It is also added to cough mixtures, when the cough is of the dry, painful kind, which serves no purpose, as nothing is expectorated.
- Matthiolus, who attributes the origin of the name of the tree to the use of the nuts by the inhabitants of Constantinople for the relief of short-windedness and cough in horses, remarks that no ancient writer appears to have made mention of the horse-chestnut.
- In the cough of phthisis minute doses are of service, but in this particular disease morphine is frequently better replaced by codeine or by heroin, which checks irritable coughs without the narcotism following upon the administration of morphine.
- she gave a discreet cough
- he tried to speak and started to cough