awfully - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of awfully in Hindi
- भय से
- भयपूर्वक
awfully Definition
- (used especially in spoken English) very. ( (खासतौर पर बोली जाने वाली अंग्रेजी में प्रयुक्त)। )
- very badly or unpleasantly. ( बहुत बुरी तरह या अप्रिय रूप से। )
awfully Example
- Helen is quite heartbroken, and I feel awfully sorry for her. ( हेलेन काफी दिल तोड़ने वाली है, और मुझे उसके लिए बहुत अफ़सोस होता है। )
- I must say that those days were awfully nice. ( मुझे कहना होगा कि वे दिन बहुत अच्छे थे। )
- Not an environment devoted to the life of the mind, but the weather was awfully nice. ( मन के जीवन के लिए समर्पित वातावरण नहीं, लेकिन मौसम बहुत अच्छा था। )
- thanks awfully for the tea, Mr Oakley ( चाय के लिए धन्यवाद, श्री ओकले )
- we played awfully ( हम भय से खेले )
- It is two in the afternoon, the weather is awfully hot, and you are struck in a traffic jam. ( दोपहर के दो बज रहे हैं, मौसम भयानक रूप से गर्म है, और आप एक यातायात जाम में फंस गए हैं। )
- He did have awfully nice legs though - firm and powerful looking. ( उसके पास बहुत अच्छे पैर थे हालांकि - दृढ़ और शक्तिशाली लग रहे थे। )
More Sentence
- I must have been feeling awfully ambitious to set myself such a daunting assignment!
- I played awfully a couple of times, even stupidly.
- Dundee must seem awfully liberal by comparison.
- You must be awfully proud of Kyle, as I know you are of your other kids.
- For being famous and horsey and whatnot, they were awfully nice and a lot of fun.
- Pressure from powerful corners must make it awfully easy to misplace files.
- I felt a blush spread over my face - he must think I was awfully clumsy.
- It does take a while for the yarn to arrive - but it's awfully nice to have it arrive by Canada Post.
- an awfully nice man
- Sometimes saying sorry is an awfully good idea.
- The people who work for my publisher are awfully nice.
- I'm awfully sorry to bother you so late
- Which is awfully nice of her, but I feel - to use an appropriate piece of therapy-speak - somewhat conflicted.
- And they're really awfully nice when you get to know them.
- As it is, when she utters them on court, I have to keep reminding myself that she's really an awfully nice gal.
- I just can't help feeling awfully sorry for him, though.
- He must get awfully nervous when Gary Bauer and James Dobson call.
- It was with a guy who spoke awfully .
- These heroes must grow up awfully fast in this day and age.