correlation - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of correlation in Hindi

  • सह - संबंध
  • पारस्परिक संबंध
  • सहसम्बन्ध

correlation Definition


  • a mutual relationship or connection between two or more things.

correlation Example

  • research showed a clear correlation between recession and levels of property crime ( अनुसंधान ने मंदी और संपत्ति अपराध के स्तरों के बीच एक स्पष्ट संबंध दिखाया )
  • There was a positive correlation between the number of months elapsed since a patient's most recent attack and amylase secretion. ( एक मरीज के सबसे हाल के हमले और एमाइलेज स्राव के बाद से बीत चुके महीनों की संख्या के बीच एक सकारात्मक संबंध था। )
  • League tables that do not take that correlation into consideration distort reality and are inaccurate. ( लीग टेबल जो उस सहसंबंध को ध्यान में नहीं रखते हैं, वास्तविकता को विकृत करते हैं और गलत हैं। )
  • For Robbe-Grillet, there was also a direct correlation between Balzacian realism as a literary form and the society which produced it. ( रोबे-ग्रिलेट के लिए, एक साहित्यिक रूप के रूप में बाल्ज़ासियन यथार्थवाद और इसे उत्पन्न करने वाले समाज के बीच एक सीधा संबंध भी था। )

More Sentence

  • The impossibility of safe correlation of units necessitates a division by countries.
  • A problem arises because of the strong correlation between standard of living and energy consumption.
  • It is possible that a correlation may be made between solubility and the energy of surface tension.
  • If we have a large range of examples, if our observation is constantly directed to seeking the correlation of cause and effect in people's actions, their actions appear to us more under compulsion and less free the more correctly we connect the effects with the causes.
  • A similar rotation and dislocation occurs in various petrels, in correlation with the indigestible sepia-bills, &c., which these birds swallow in great quantities.
  • Statistical analysis was performed using correlation coefficients, t tests, and Mann-Whitney U test.
  • A positive correlation of smoking with incidence of Alzheimer's has recently been observed.
  • Thus she thinks that there is a close correlation between the men she can seduce and the men she might marry.
  • A correlation curve indicates the distance over which the motion at one point significantly affects that at another.
  • The same goes for feet, hands and ears-though there may be some correlation with ego.
  • One of the students asked whether there was any correlation between rainfall and temperature.
  • The more money people amass, the more they pay attention to schools and education, a correlation drawn by countless studies.
  • In support of this theory there is evidence of a close correlation between activity of Crohn's disease and conditions within the intestinal lumen.
  • Lack of correlation between use of syrup of ipecac and referral reduction does not mean that syrup of ipecac is ineffective.  
  • In cucumber, a correlation between fruit abortion and vegetative growth rate was also observed.  
  • However they have not made any correlation between the current problem and the past accident.  
  • No definite correlation was found between the number of acidophil bodies and grade or stage in this sample.  
  • Gyan et al. found a positive correlation between pediatric hospital admissions for respiratory distress in Trinidad and African dust events.  
  • The correlation matrix values were obtained using the Spearman rank order correlation test.  
  • For raster scan pattern the correlation of a series of images appears on three different timescales.  
  • The last is at a karstic horizon, rendering correlation of the top of the older stage difficult.  
  • A correlation technique was developed for estimating subsurface temperature from altimetric data.
  • It has long been known in education circles that a clear correlation exists between social class background and examination success.
  • the increasingly similar basis underlying national soil maps allows correlation to take place more easily