agreement - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of agreement in Hindi
- समझौता
- अनुबंध
- सहमति
- शर्त
- सुलह
- एग्रीमेंट
agreement Definition
- harmony or accordance in opinion or feeling; a position or result of agreeing. ( सामंजस्य या विचार या भावना के अनुसार; सहमत होने की स्थिति या परिणाम। )
agreement Example
- I am also in agreement that perpetrators must be held responsible for their actions. ( मैं इस समझौते में भी हूं कि अपराधियों को उनके कार्यों के लिए जिम्मेदार ठहराया जाना चाहिए। )
- But they are all in agreement that he is not a simple controversialist just for the sake of it. ( लेकिन वे सभी इस बात से सहमत हैं कि वह केवल एक साधारण विवादास्पद व्यक्ति नहीं है। )
- Your Honour, I think we are in agreement that the matter should be heard as soon as possible. ( आपका सम्मान, मुझे लगता है कि हम इस समझौते में हैं कि मामले को जल्द से जल्द सुना जाए। )
- We're all thoroughly in agreement that these first-past-the-post elections are a bad thing. ( हम सभी इस बात से पूरी तरह सहमत हैं कि ये पहले-पिछले चुनाव बाद की बात हैं। )
More Sentence
- we just couldn't come to an agreement
- agreement between experimental observations and theory
- a verbal agreement to sell
- Not very many of the delegates seemed in agreement that an October election is on the cards.
- there is wide agreement that investment is necessary
- The meeting was in agreement that action has to be taken to end the monopoly.
- All bodies are in agreement that the use of foreign workers is set to mushroom over the next few years.
- I have a tenancy agreement with the landlord
- It's reassuring to know our numbers are in agreement with previous estimates of the mass of the stars based on the stars' motion.
- Our data are also in agreement with results of recent studies.
- Statistics are in agreement with field estimates.
- The hospital management and the council seem in agreement that cash is a palliative but not a panacea.
- The crowd nods in agreement that they are in the presence of a fine basketball player.
- a trade agreement
- It also turns out to provide finite expressions that are in stunning agreement with experiment.
- the governments failed to reach agreement
- The one good thing is that all the experts seem to be in agreement that mortgages are set to fall.
- The chapter concludes with a discussion of agreement markers triggered by inflection classes.
- The results are in agreement with classical ones.
- New Zealanders are in agreement that children should not be assaulted or brutalised.
- Both organisations are in agreement that we have got to get this right.
- Mally leant back and nodded in agreement .
- Everyone is in agreement that size is not that important from a practical point of view.
- Each sentence contains at least one error in noun-verb agreement . Write the correct form of the incorrect verbs in the spaces below, and then click the submit button to check your answers.
- All parties involved found themselves in agreement that the fixture should remain unfulfilled.
- the two officers nodded in agreement