cool - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of cool in Hindi

  • ठंडा
  • शीतल
  • उत्तेजनाहीन
  • उदासीन
  • ठंडा करना
  • ठंडा होना
  • शीत
  • ठंडक
  • ठण्डा

cool Definition


  • of or at a fairly low temperature.
  • showing no friendliness toward a person or enthusiasm for an idea or project.
  • fashionably attractive or impressive.
  • used to emphasize a specified quantity or amount, especially of money.


  • a fairly low temperature.
  • calmness; composure.
  • the quality of being fashionably attractive or impressive.


  • become or cause to become less hot.

cool Example

  • if people want to freak out at our clubs, that's cool ( अगर लोग हमारे क्लबों पर गुस्सा करना चाहते हैं, तो यह अच्छा है )
  • I always wore sunglasses to look cool ( कूल दिखने के लिए मैं हमेशा सनग्लासेज पहनती थी )
  • the cool of the evening ( शाम की ठंडक )
  • he prided himself on keeping a cool head ( वह ठंडा सिर रखने पर खुद पर गर्व करता था )

More Sentence

  • we dived into the river to cool off
  • George was trying to cool him down
  • the cool of the night air
  • Her expression was cool, almost impassive.
  • Store onions in a cool dry place.
  • We dived into the river to cool off.
  • The room was nice and cool.
  • Stop trying to be cool.
  • He refreshed himself with a cool shower.
  • A cool breeze brushed his face, ruffling his hair.
  • A cool drink refreshed me after my long walk.
  • I could do with a nice cool drink.
  • a cool drink in the leafy shade
  • he recovered his cool and then started laughing at us
  • he gave a cool reception to the suggestion for a research center
  • a cool $15,000 to buy the franchise
  • all the cool of high fashion
  • the bathroom was all glass and cool, muted blues
  • cool the pastry for five minutes
  • After they had reached the foot of the stairs they walked for a long way through a cool corridor.
  • At places there are broad fields where the cows come down to drink the cool water.
  • Returning to the cool shade, we waited till they crossed that miniature desert.
  • Here the trout congregate, to enjoy the cool water that comes down from the hills above.
  • Infinite was the wild fowl and venison hanging about the trees, that the air might cool them.
  • I laved his pain-twisted face with the cool water and let a few drops trickle into his open mouth.
  • Not far away stood a little brown house in the cool shade of cherry trees and apple trees.
  • The Brownie thought this would be a very nice cool place in which to rest for a few moments.
  • We are always cool at the clubs: the constant habit of ruining one another, teaches us temper.
  • To cool thee when the mid-day suns Have made thee faint beneath their heat.
  • I did not much care for the effect, though it was as cool as needed to be after those cool proceedings.
  • She wondered what ailed it to faint in the cool of the morning, when the earth was yet damp with early rain.
  • It was deliciously cool down underneath the shadow of the cliff, on the banks of the shallow, bright river.
  • Guard had followed me from the field; he, too, enjoyed the cool water and proceeded to make the most of it.
  • the wind kept them cool
  • wear your cool, comfortable shirts
  • she seems cool, calm, and collected
  • his feelings for her took a long time to cool
  • it'll be a cool afternoon