pulses - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of pulses in Hindi

  • दालों
  • नाड़ी
  • दाल
  • मिज़ाज
  • थरथराहट
  • मनोभाव
  • कंपन
  • नाड़ी-स्फुरण

pulses Definition


  • a rhythmical throbbing of the arteries as blood is propelled through them, typically as felt in the wrists or neck. ( रक्त के रूप में धमनियों की एक लयबद्ध धड़कन उनके माध्यम से प्रसारित होती है, आमतौर पर कलाई या गर्दन में महसूस होती है। )
  • a single vibration or short burst of sound, electric current, light, or other wave. ( एकल कंपन या ध्वनि का कम फटना, विद्युत प्रवाह, प्रकाश या अन्य तरंग। )
  • a measured amount of an isotopic label given to a culture of cells. ( कोशिकाओं की संस्कृति को दिए गए एक समस्थानिक लेबल की मापी गई मात्रा। )
  • the edible seeds of various leguminous plants, for example chickpeas, lentils, and beans. ( विभिन्न फलदार पौधों के खाद्य बीज, उदाहरण के लिए छोले, दाल, और फलियाँ। )
  • the central point of energy and organization in an area or activity. ( किसी क्षेत्र या गतिविधि में ऊर्जा और संगठन का केंद्रीय बिंदु। )


  • throb rhythmically; pulsate. ( लयबद्ध ढंग से थ्रोब; धड़कना। )

pulses Example

  • A faint pulse of life came from the direction of the gym.
  • Darian shouted again, and another pulse of power made the earth rumble.
  • "You probably won't—" The pulse that burst from the baton's tip dropped him.
  • The temporary includes vetches, pulse, lupine, clover and trifolium; and the perennial, meadow-trefoil, lupinella, sulla (fledysarum coronarium), lucerne and darnel.
  • The hum of a spacecraft made her pulse leap again, and her eyes found the small craft descending from the sky to a landing point a hundred meters away.
  • She glanced up at his face - so close to hers - and her pulse quickened.
  • The way the pulse throbbed in her neck when he kissed it, and the way she sounded out of breath when she pushed him away – the feel of her breasts when she molded her body to his...
  • Taking cereals and pulse corn together, the aggregate areas of wheat, barley, oats, rye, beans and peas in the United Kingdom varied as follows over the six quinquennial intervals embraced in the period 1875-1905: - Year.