limbs - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of limbs in Hindi

  • अंग
  • शाखा
  • अंगों को अलग-अलग करना

limbs Definition

  • the edge of the disk of a celestial object, especially the sun or moon.
  • the blade or broad part of a leaf or petal.
  • the graduated arc of a quadrant or other scientific instrument, used for measuring angles.
  • an arm or leg of a person or four-legged animal, or a bird's wing.

limbs Example

  • It occurs when the limb of the Moon just touches the apparent edge of the Sun in the sky, but does not overlap it.
  • As plants reached flowering maturity, the gender was noted and flower measurements were taken on petal limb , petal claw and calyx diameter.
  • Walking may be more familiar and is a whole body exercise compared with cycling where the lower limbs are the primary effector muscles.