contra - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of contra in Hindi

  • विपरीत
  • प्रति
  • के विरुद्ध

contra Definition


  • against; opposite; contrasting.
  • (of instruments or organ stops) pitched an octave below.


  • a member of a guerrilla force in Nicaragua that opposed the left-wing Sandinista government 1979–90, and was supported by the US for much of that time. It was officially disbanded in 1990, after the Sandinistas' electoral defeat.

contra Example

  • In the Summa Catholicae Fidei contra Gentiles he shows how a Christian theology is the sum and crown of all science. ( सुम्मा कैथोलिक फिदेई कॉन्ट्रा जेंटाइल्स में वह दिखाता है कि कैसे एक ईसाई धर्मशास्त्र सभी विज्ञानों का योग और मुकुट है। )
  • He was being held without bail at the Contra Costa County jail in Martinez. ( उन्हें मार्टिनेज के कॉन्ट्रा कोस्टा काउंटी जेल में बिना जमानत के रखा जा रहा था। )
  • Unacknowledged when it was received, the contra money was also unacknowledged when spent. ( प्राप्त होने पर अस्वीकृत, खर्च किए जाने पर अनुपयुक्त धन की भी पावती नहीं दी गई। )
  • This will help to avoid any misunderstandings or arguments as to when, how and what will be settled by contra. ( यह किसी भी गलतफहमी या तर्क से बचने में मदद करेगा कि कब, कैसे और क्या अनुबंध द्वारा सुलझाया जाएगा। )

More Sentence

  • Values for homes in the majority of Contra Costa County zip codes barely nudged up from their recession lows.
  • In the days leading up to March 23, the group organized a phone-drive call-in against Contra aid.
  • What the contras could not achieve in reality, they would seem to achieve on celluloid.
  • Contra Faust.
  • On the contra ry, they like it.
  • Its value, contra to a lot that is written, is very unstable.
  • Edward’s job would be delivering the coke to a Contra commander.
  • Contra account : An account that is offset by a matching associated account.
  • For them was contra posed the “Matter” or otherwise “material objects”.
  • supra; contra, Bouix, Inst.
  • The origins of contra dancing go back to colonial days, and its roots can be traced to English country dance.  
  • I play bassoon in a double reed group at my school and one member of our group has just bought a contra bassoon, and we're all really excited!  
  • But contra William Faulkner, there are signs that the past is finally becoming past.  
  • The defining image of Luther, chin tilted defiantly upwards, saintly, contra mundum, had been cast in print as effectively as in bronze, fixed forever in the western imagination.  
  • The Times intervened in 2016 after the Rotenbergs obtained a contra mundum order that would have given them anonymity until at least the middle of the next decade.  
  • The Reagan administration authorized the CIA to help the contra rebels with funding, armaments, and training.
  • 7) and Augustine (Contra advers.
  • The Confutatio Alcorani, printed at Seville in 1500, at Venice in 1607, adds hardly anything to the sections of the Itinerary devoted to Moslem belief, &c. Ricold's Libellus contra Nationes Orientales and Contra errores Judaeorum have never been printed.
  • He engaged in the Pelagian controversy with more than even his usual bitterness (Dialogi contra pelagianos); and it is said that the violence of his invective so provoked his opponents that an armed mob attacked the monastery, and that Jerome was forced to flee and to remain in concealment for nearly two years.
  • Three pre-Christian or extra-ecclesiastical usages are recorded by a half-heretical churchman, Marcellus of Ancyra (in Eusebius of Caesarea, Contra Marcellum, i.
  • contra unanimum consensum patrum ipsam scripturam sacram inter pretari audeat) is studiously moderate, and yet it seems to rule that under certain circumstances it is not permitted to the Church of later times to carry the science of biblical interpretation beyond the point which it had reached at the end of the patristic period.
  • I I),Origen (Contra Celsum, vi.
  • The fifth treatise is Contra Eutychen et Nestorium.
  • The connexion of the Seven with the planets is also clearly established by the expositions of Celsus and Origen (Contra Celsum, vi.
  • The earliest work of Orosius, Consultatio sive commonitorium ad Augustinum de errore Priscillianistarum et Origenistarum, explains its object by its title; it was written soon after his arrival in Africa, and is usually printed in the works of Augustine along with the reply of the latter, Contra Priscillianistas et Origenistas liber [ad Orosium.
  • Under pressure in Iran-Contra, Ronald Reagan was confused.
  • In Contra Costa County, it is $ 30, 000.
  • Pero las medidas contra la industria tabacalera podrian ser mas rigurosas.
  • We didn't want to know about Iran-Contra.
  • Wine : 1997 Cline Contra Costa Co . Bridgehead Vineyard Zinfandel.
  • Cline 1997 Contra Costa County Bridgehead Vineyard Zinfandel, $ 28.
  • Hay cierta evidencia que puede el mate proteger contra el cancer.
  • En esa epoca, los mamiferos debian competir contra poderosos dinosaurios.
  • Una demanda similar se presento contra Delta Air Lines en 1988.
  • Loscher affirms in regard to miracles that " solus Deus potest tum supra naturae vires turn contra naturae leges agere "; and Buddaeus argues that in them a " suspensio legum naturae " is followed by a restitutio.