apropos - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of apropos in Hindi

  • अनुरूप
  • अनुसार
  • मुनासिब
  • सामयिक
  • समयोचित
  • उचित
  • के सन्दर्भ में

apropos Definition


  • very appropriate to a particular situation. ( किसी विशेष स्थिति के लिए बहुत उपयुक्त। )


  • with reference to; concerning. ( के संदर्भ में; के विषय में। )


  • used to state a speaker's belief that someone's comments or acts are unrelated to any previous discussion or situation. ( एक वक्ता के विश्वास के लिए इस्तेमाल किया जाता है कि किसी की टिप्पणी या कार्य किसी भी पिछली चर्चा या स्थिति से असंबंधित हैं। )

apropos Example

  • There could never be an apropos moment to suffer such an appalling episode, but the timing in his case serves only to highlight his misfortune in even sharper relief. ( इस तरह के भयावह प्रकरण को भुगतने के लिए कभी भी कोई एप्रोपोस नहीं हो सकता है, लेकिन उनके मामले में समय केवल उनके दुर्भाग्य को तेज राहत देने के लिए कार्य करता है। )
  • Bad times, rather than face, would have been more apropos . ( बुरा समय, चेहरे के बजाय, अधिक एप्रोपोस होता। )
  • It would be wrong to say that they display a mastery of their craft, because in this context, the word ‘dominance’ seems a lot more apropos than ‘mastery.’ ( यह कहना गलत नहीं होगा कि वे अपने शिल्प की एक महारत प्रदर्शित करते हैं, क्योंकि इस संदर्भ में, 'प्रभुत्व' शब्द 'महारत की तुलना में बहुत अधिक है।' )
  • As he acknowledges, it was a charge that was sometimes made against him, and at one point he says, apropos of the great Australia batsman, that top players have to be selfish. ( जैसा कि वह स्वीकार करते हैं, यह एक ऐसा आरोप था जो कभी-कभी उनके खिलाफ बनाया गया था, और एक बिंदु पर वे कहते हैं, महान ऑस्ट्रेलिया बल्लेबाज के एपरोपोस, कि शीर्ष खिलाड़ियों को स्वार्थी होना पड़ता है। )
  • An anecdote apropos of this is worth retelling. ( इसका एक किस्सा एप्रोपोस रिटेलिंग के लायक है। )
  • But for everyone else, the Supreme Court's decision to embrace the principles of federalism that have always been a fundamental part of our Constitution could not have come at a more apropos time. ( लेकिन हर किसी के लिए, सर्वोच्च न्यायालय द्वारा संघीयता के सिद्धांतों को गले लगाने का निर्णय जो हमेशा से हमारे संविधान का एक मूलभूत हिस्सा रहा है, अधिक समय तक नहीं आ सकता था। )
  • A more apropos quote from him would be this: ‘It is not by speeches and debates that the great issues of the day will be decided, but by blood and iron.’ ( उनसे एक और एप्रोपोस उद्धरण यह होगा: not यह भाषणों और बहस से नहीं है कि दिन के महान मुद्दों पर निर्णय लिया जाएगा, बल्कि रक्त और लोहे द्वारा। ’ )
  • The bizarre forelimbs of alvarezsaurids were therefore accompanied by a bizarre lifestyle, an unexpected but apropos twist in the plot of the evolutionary novel that is the fossil record. ( अल्वारज़ाउरिड्स के विचित्र फोरलेम्बस इसलिए विचित्र जीवन शैली के साथ थे, विकासवादी उपन्यास के कथानक में एक अप्रत्याशित लेकिन अप्रोपो ट्विस्ट है जो जीवाश्म रिकॉर्ड है। )
  • Her hunger pangs serve as an apropos metaphor for her literary life. ( उसकी भूख पीड़ा उसके साहित्यिक जीवन के लिए एक उपमा रूपक के रूप में काम करती है। )
  • Suppose that after the first move has been played, we look around the board and determine apropos of each Power whether its first set of moves has been as expected, better than expected or worse than expected. ( मान लीजिए कि पहली चाल चलने के बाद, हम बोर्ड के चारों ओर देखते हैं और प्रत्येक पावर के एप्रोपोस को निर्धारित करते हैं कि क्या इसकी चाल का पहला सेट उम्मीद से बेहतर, उम्मीद से बेहतर या खराब है। )

More Sentence

  • For example, apropos of ‘design accumulation’ in Yoruba beading, Roy told us that ‘each large bead [has] its own circle of smaller beads’.
  • The audience thinks the joke is on him, but the joke is on them, an apropos conclusion.
  • And we understood that something very funny happened one time apropos of what you are speaking of.
  • Surely this joke has been used elsewhere, but this was an apropos ending to the show…
  • The lessons are more apropos than one might think.
  • ‘There was hardly any control in Parliament,’ he continued, apropos of the parliamentary abortion debate.
  • Just apropos of the last point about incorporated practitioners, Part 10 of the Legal Practice Act regulates that.
  • Your Honours, apropos of what our learned friend said about the Justice's judgment, in our submission, it highlights the error.
  • Whilst I am on that page, and apropos of your Honour's last question, I would also refer to the first full paragraph at page 96, the last two sentences commencing.
  • The cheerleaders in the video are entirely apropos - one listen of this and you'll be dancing around too.
  • Up to this point, our expectations have been raised; we are expecting some innovative thinking apropos of the possibilities of resistance in today's workplaces.
  • That's why ideas about the third culture are particularly apropos right now, as you are concentrating on scientists trying to take their case directly to the public.
  • It would make for simplicity, he once remarked apropos of infant baptism, if all Adam's posterity derived souls as well as bodies from their first parent by heredity.
  • Just apropos of the matters you have just raised about the conduct of solicitors, those, I think I am right in saying, am I not, are not the subject of any ground of appeal?
  • I don't seem to be able to mount this in comments, so, apropos of Andrew's comment below and my response, here is a picture of the card on which the alleged defamation occurred.
  • And apropos of my earlier comments, it is appropriate to set a price-path target based on average inflation of several percentage points.
  • And then I thought, apropos of my last blog entry, about gender roles.
  • Completeley off-topic; last night apropos of S's date-hell story, I said to her ‘single is the new black.’
  • But more times than not, the film can't seem to find the apropos avenue upon which to sell its wares of pragmatism.
  • His charming little theme's heard throughout the movie, but the producers chose to impose somebody else's noisy pop tune on the credits, obscuring his very apropos theme.