conglomeration - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of conglomeration in Hindi

  • समूह
  • ढेर
  • कंगलोमेरेशन
  • संचय
  • संघात
  • जमघट
  • संघट्ट
  • संगुटिकरण

conglomeration Definition


  • a number of different things, parts or items that are grouped together; collection.
  • the process of forming a conglomerate.

conglomeration Example

  • the practice of media conglomeration ( मीडिया समूह का अभ्यास )
  • She reported on the Watts riots in LA and the conglomeration of riots in the. ( वह ला में वाट्स दंगों और दंगों के समूह में दंगों की सूचना देती है। )
  • Europe had become a partitioned conglomeration as far as immigration was concerned. ( जहाँ तक आव्रजन का संबंध था, यूरोप एक विभाजित समूह बन गया था। )
  • Built over decades, it was really a conglomeration of lesser castles spliced together. ( दशकों में निर्मित, यह वास्तव में कम महल का एक समूह था जो एक साथ मिला। )
  • Finally Ahmed stopped and studied the nooks and crevices of the huge stone conglomeration. ( अंत में अहमद ने रोका और विशाल पत्थर के समूह के नुक्कड़ और दरार का अध्ययन किया। )

More Sentence 

  • He drove for another half hour winnowing the conglomeration of information through his mind.
  • The conglomeration of life forms also detected the movement of the Hive Builders to a distant location.
  • The mountains amplified his words, throwing them back at the crowd in a confused conglomeration of echoes.
  • Finally, it was the visionary conglomeration of all these and more, put together by its prophet Mohammad.
  • It is a conglomeration of corporations.
  • It originated with the Salian Franks, often simply called Salians, the chief of that conglomeration of Germanic peoples known as Franks.
  • Every one of the kingdoms grouped round the two sovereigns who shared modern Spain was itself a loose conglomeration of classes.
  • The small dictionary contained a conglomeration of words that any tourists need to know while visiting a Spanish speaking country.  
  • Lito preferred that his group of bandits be called a conglomeration instead of a gang or a mob.  
  • The chef’s latest dish was a conglomeration of chicken, beef, shrimp, and a hodgepodge of veggies.
  • According to Asinius Quadratus their name indicates that they were a conglomeration of various tribes.
  • The term Afghan really applies to one section only of the mixed conglomeration of nationalities which forms the people of Afghanistan, but this is the dominant section known as the Durani.
  • somewhat distorted view of the importance of the particular chieftains with whom they came in contact, the country has been merely a conglomeration of provinces and districts, ill defined, loosely connected and generally at war with each other.
  • a loose conglomeration of pieces