exclusively - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of exclusively in Hindi


  • केवल
  • ही
  • अनन्य रूप से
  • अनन्यतः रूप से

exclusively Definition


  • to the exclusion of others; only; solely.

exclusively Example

  • exclusively female concerns ( विशेष रूप से महिला चिंताओं )
  • You still worked almost exclusively with people in your lab or at least in your city. ( आपने अभी भी अपनी प्रयोगशाला में या कम से कम अपने शहर के लोगों के साथ लगभग अनन्य रूप से काम किया है। )
  • They are exclusively woodland. ( वे विशेष रूप से वुडलैंड हैं। )
  • Before that time it was based exclusively on the use of the harpsichord either as a means of supporting the other instruments or as also contributing principal parts to the combination. ( उस समय से पहले यह विशेष रूप से हार्पसीकोर्ड के उपयोग पर या तो अन्य उपकरणों का समर्थन करने के साधन के रूप में या संयोजन में प्रमुख भागों का योगदान करने पर आधारित था। )

More Sentence

  • She maintained her files on an old computer used exclusively for word processing.
  • The food of the adult is almost exclusively animal, - insects, especially large ants, snails, lizards and snakes, but it also eats certain large red berries.
  • Ouray Ice Park, Inc. is a non-profit corporation and runs exclusively on the donations of sponsor members.
  • Formerly the losses were exclusively ours.
  • There is an e-book written exclusively on.
  • Inmates that were now exclusively vampires.
  • For roulette is not exclusively a Russian game.
  • If we could see the universe exclusively with.
  • It appears that I should do a book exclusively on.
  • Only the elite rulers were allowed to love exclusively.
  • And because I had focused exclusively on what I wanted.
  • This led to the back garden, which was exclusively theirs.
  • The first Italian who formed an exclusively Italian company was Alberico da Barbiano, a nobleman of Romagna, and founder of the Milanese house of Belgiojoso.
  • The term "curate" in the present day is almost exclusively used to signify a clergyman who is assistant to a rector or vicar, by whom he is employed and paid; and a clerk in deacon's orders is competent to be licensed by a bishop to the office of such assistant curate.
  • It would seem that up to the 4th century of our era the Sinhalese had written exclusively in their own tongue; that is to say that for six centuries they had studied and understood Pali as a dead language without using it as a means of literary expression.
  • paints produced exclusively for independent retailers