expelled - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of expelled in Hindi

  • निष्कासित


  • निर्वासित
  • ख़ारिज

expelled Definition


  • driven or forced out or away; discharged:
  • cut off from membership or participation:

expelled Example

  • Megan expelled her breath in an exasperated sigh. ( मेगन ने एक हताश आह में अपनी सांसें बाहर निकाल दीं। )
  • Damian would've expelled me by now. ( डेमियन ने मुझे अब तक निकाल दिया होगा। )
  • Gaston de Foix bought a doubtful victory dearly with his death; and the allies, though beaten on the banks of the Ronco, immediately afterwards expelled the French from Lombardy. ( Gaston de Foix ने अपनी मृत्यु के साथ एक संदिग्ध जीत हासिल की; और सहयोगियों ने, हालांकि रोन्को के तट पर पीटा, तुरंत बाद में फ्रांसीसी को लोम्बार्डी से निष्कासित कर दिया। )
  • In the year 859 these tribes expelled the Northmen, but finding that they quarrelled among themselves, they invited them, three years later, to return. ( वर्ष 859 में इन जनजातियों ने उत्तरवासियों को निष्कासित कर दिया, लेकिन यह पाते हुए कि वे आपस में झगड़ रहे थे, उन्होंने तीन साल बाद उन्हें वापस लौटने के लिए आमंत्रित किया। )
  • The Sforzas having expelled the French from Milan, Cesare returned to Rome in February, his schemes checked for the moment; his father rewarded him for his successes by making him gonfaloniere of the church and conferring many honours on him; he remained in Rome and took part in bull fights and other carnival festivities. ( Sforzas ने मिलान से फ्रांसीसी को निष्कासित कर दिया, Cesare फरवरी में रोम लौट आया, उसकी योजनाओं की फिलहाल जाँच की गई; उनके पिता ने उन्हें चर्च का गोनफालोनियर बनाकर और उन्हें कई सम्मान प्रदान करके उनकी सफलताओं के लिए पुरस्कृत किया; वह रोम में रहा और सांडों की लड़ाई और अन्य कार्निवल उत्सवों में भाग लिया। )

More Sentence

  • And pastors have been expelled from parishes or are under surveillance.
  • He would lose all benefits and privileges if he is expelled.
  • Earlier this year it expelled Rwanda's senior diplomat here.
  • No midshipmen were expelled during the previous year, he added.
  • The kids involved in it ended up being expelled from school.
  • Dessalines ruthlessly expelled the remaining French slave holders from the island.
  • Robles was expelled for cursing at a teacher and disrupting class.
  • Le Pen has said some two million immigrants should be expelled.
  • We will not expel anyone and we will not be expelled.
  • Brown could also be expelled from art school . _ ANTHONY DePALMA
  • It's difficult to see expelled in a sentence .
  • The bill would require a hearing before any student is expelled.
  • M . Rimson was expelled from the securities business last year.
  • The water is expelled from the branchial chambers by one or two tubes opening by one orifice in most Batrachians.
  • In a short time the invaders were expelled, and a Grand National Assembly elected as tsar Michael Romanov, the young son of the metropolitan Philaret, who was connected by marriage with the late dynasty.
  • He was hard alike on the lazy, the depraved, and the weak, and tried to get them expelled from the commune.
  • Like Gioberti he advocated a federation of Italian states, but he declared that before this could be achieved Austria must be expelled from Italy and compensation found for her in the Near East by making her a Danubian powera curious forecast that Italys liberation would begin with an eastern war.