congenial - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of congenial in Hindi
- अनुकूल
- सौहार्दपूर्ण
- अनुकूलनिय
congenial Definition
- (of a person) pleasant because of a personality, qualities, or interests that are similar to one's own.
congenial Example
- Bees find a highly congenial habitat in Mexico, and some honey is exported. ( मधुमक्खियों को मेक्सिको में एक उच्च जन्मजात निवास स्थान मिलता है, और कुछ शहद का निर्यात किया जाता है। )
- The group seemed fairly congenial as functions of this sort go. ( इस तरह के कार्यों के रूप में समूह काफी जन्मजात लग रहा था। )
- The rhetoric of authenticity is not especially congenial to musical innovation. ( प्रामाणिकता की बयानबाजी विशेष रूप से संगीत नवाचार के लिए जन्मजात नहीं है। )
- The Tom Bartlett I know has always been congenial and cooperative, ( मुझे पता है कि टॉम बार्टलेट हमेशा जन्मजात और सहकारी रहे हैं, )
- I'm expecting a very congenial business meeting ." ( मैं एक बहुत ही जन्मजात व्यावसायिक बैठक की उम्मीद कर रहा हूं। " )
More Sentence
- Individually they are congenial, clever, bright, and funny.
- Our waitress couldn't have been more congenial and helpful.
- "congenial " and " easygoing ."
- All types of life to which shallow, clear sea-water was congenial appear to have abounded in the interior.
- In this zealous quest of congenial models he hesitates at nothing.
- Bedford Falls is named Pottersville and is a less congenial place.
- There was no society at Guangzhou that was congenial to them.
- Marshall ran a congenial court; there was seldom any bickering.
- Life in his own monastery proved no more congenial than before.
- They would doubtless be congenial with the generality of female minds.
- Taylor was more congenial about that part of the speech with reporters.
- His position on abortion is less congenial to some conservatives.
- At Strassburg began his intimacy with Caspar Schwenkfeld, a congenial spirit.
- A congenial smile sprouted on the officer's face.
- It had been as contentious as hers had been congenial.
- Slinking in the shadows was not congenial to his nature.
- A congenial smile flashed onto his face and he moved toward them.
- I dont blame you Nicky; the atmosphere here was not exactly congenial.
- His congenial attitude was something that could not be achieved through imitation.
- It would seem that John Miner, a very nice, congenial man, would have no reason to lie.
- I had congenial friends, some continuing from college (Ann and Marianne) and some new ones.
- Can you dance, child? he asked, his voice still low but his face now bright and congenial.
- A strange thing happened, a misunderstanding - a most unusual occurrence in our congenial group.
- I remember especially the walks we all took together every day in Central Park, the only part of the city that was congenial to me.
- This expression was the result, no doubt, of his strenuous training and the comparative lack of congenial friendships.
- his need for some congenial company
- he went back to a climate more congenial to his cold stony soul