independent - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of independent in Hindi
- स्वतंत्र
- निर्दलीय
- स्वाधीन
- आज़ाद
- स्वावलंबी
- आजाद
- आत्मनिर्भर
independent Definition
- free from outside control; not depending on another's authority.
- not depending on another for livelihood or subsistence.
- capable of thinking or acting for oneself.
- not connected with another or with each other; separate.
- an independent person or body.
independent Example
- A thorough and independent investigation of the case ( मामले की गहन और स्वतंत्र जांच )
- The independent candidate ( निर्दलीय प्रत्याशी )
- Canada's largest independent investment firm ( कनाडा की सबसे बड़ी स्वतंत्र निवेश फर्म )
- an independent girls' school ( एक स्वतंत्र बालिका विद्यालय )
More Sentence
- I wanted to remain independent in old age
- he stood unsuccessfully as an independent in 1992
- a woman of independent means
- India became independent in 1947
- advice for independent travelers
- we need two independent witnesses to testify
- an independent electric shower
- the legislature and the judicature are independent of each other
- independent television