comradeship - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of comradeship in Hindi

  • भाईबंदी
  • मैत्री
  • दोस्ती

comradeship Definition


  • the company and friendship of others with common aims.

comradeship Example

  • his greatest joy came from comradeship with others in the team ( उनकी सबसे बड़ी खुशी टीम में अन्य लोगों के साथ कामरेडशिप से मिली )
  • Pliny, who preserved the story, notes that their comradeship flourished for some years. ( कहानी को संरक्षित करने वाले प्लिनी ने ध्यान दिया कि उनकी कामरेडशिप कुछ वर्षों तक फली-फूली। )
  • Perhaps arising from the close personal comradeship of those war years was Basil's empathy with ordinary working folk. ( शायद उन युद्ध वर्षों के करीबी व्यक्तिगत कामरेडशिप से उत्पन्न होने वाला था, साधारण कामकाजी लोगों के साथ तुलसी की सहानुभूति थी। )
  • The spirit of comradeship that had made victory possible had the welfare state as one of its natural corollaries. ( कामरेडशिप की भावना जिसने जीत को संभव बनाया था, कल्याणकारी राज्य के रूप में अपनी प्राकृतिक कोरोलरीज में से एक था। )

More Sentence

  • But there has always been the continuous high of the friendship and comradeship shared with fellow firefighters.  
  • Though there was undoubtedly comradeship,[] there was also the danger and loneliness of individual enterprise.
  • She looked from one to the other, saw comradeship in the pretended reluctance of shared smiles.
  • Attracted by the ideals and the comradeship of freemasonry, he joined a Viennese lodge in 1784 and remained a member for the rest of his life.  
  • But this comradeship turned to a strange reticence during the last few days of the journey.
  • He seemed to gain pleasure from the comradeship of Art teachers; their banter and dry North country humour.
  • Perhaps his imagination was fuelled initially by the comradeship of a group and the creativity it could galvanise.
  • The submariners say it was only the comradeship which enabled crews to endure the wretched conditions.  
  • Let the living and the dying seal our comradeship.
  • s it not chiefly because they upheld the principle of serving the people, established exemplary relations with the people through sacrificing their own interests, crated inside the armed forces a comradeship that brought the initiative of junior officers and the rank and file into full play, relied on the masses, analyzed the experience of each battle, and from battle to battle made continuous progress, both strategic and tactical?
  • The reader should remember that one of the great themes embodied in the novel is the idea of comradeship between human beings.
  • Many, many of us have found inspiration in her teaching and have derived much pleasure from her comradeship.
  • It needs you to sustain its welfare work and it can help you by providing comradeship and support.
  • That would depend upon whether the germs of staunch comradeship underlay the temporary emotion.
  • Friendship may indeed come to exist without sensuous liking or comradeship to pave the way.
  • There is a greater comradeship.
  • He had spoiled their beautiful comradeship.
  • She missed the merry comradeship of Patty's Place.
  • He says, "We know, or ought to, that warriors are inspired by male bonding, by comradeship, by the knowledge that they survive only through relying on each other.
  • You can't substitute material things for love, gentleness, tenderness, or for a sense of comradeship.