eastward - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of eastward in Hindi


  • पूर्व की ओर जानेवाला
  • पूर्वीय
  • प्राच्य
  • पर्वाभिमुख

eastward Definition


  • in an easterly direction.


  • the direction or region toward the east.


  • toward the east.

eastward Example

  • the bus rattled its way eastward ( बस ने पूर्व की ओर अपना रास्ता चकमा दिया )
  • a squall came from the eastward ( पूरब की ओर से एक तूफ़ान आया )
  • I slipped so quietly eastward, no one I visited. ( मैं इतनी शांति से पूर्व की ओर खिसक गया, मैं किसी से मिलने नहीं गया। )
  • From this depression eastward the general level of the plateau gradually rises to an elevation of 6000 ft. ( इस अवसाद से पूर्व की ओर पठार का सामान्य स्तर धीरे-धीरे 6000 फीट की ऊँचाई तक बढ़ जाता है। )

More Sentence

  • The southern half of the state, however, slopes eastward and is drained directly into the Atlantic through a number of small rivers, the largest of which are the Irapiranga (whose source is in the state of Bahia and which is called Vasa Barris at its mouth), the Real, and the Cotinguiba.
  • Traders speculate that cold fronts may push eastward early next month.
  • Take a seat facing eastward with your back to the waterfall.
  • Cut-rate labels have had success by looking ever eastward.
  • A cold front will press eastward toward the western Great Lakes.
  • A warm front will move eastward across the Northern Plains state.
  • The unseasonable warmth will spread eastward into the Plains on Wednesday.
  • With luck, its anger and humiliation could be turned eastward.
  • Strengthening low pressure will will crawl eastward through the Middle West.
  • A large, but weakening disturbance over Texas will drift eastward.
  • The latter rises on the western slopes of the Serra da Matta da Corde, and one of its northern tributaries has its source in a "knot" of the Serra dos Pyreneos, from which streams flow eastward to the Sao Francisco and northward to the Tocantins.
  • Is the ferment of the peoples of the west at the end of the eighteenth century and their drive eastward explained by the activity of Louis XIV, XV, and XVI, their mistresses and ministers, and by the lives of Napoleon, Rousseau, Diderot, Beaumarchais, and others?
  • they followed an eastward course