comfirmation - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of comfirmation in Hindi
- पुष्टीकरण
- पुष्टि
- स्थायीकरण
- सबूत
- प्रमाणीकरण
- समर्थन
- मंडन
comfirmation Definition
- the action of confirming something or the state of being confirmed.
- (in the Christian Church) the rite at which a baptized person, especially one baptized as an infant, affirms Christian belief and is admitted as a full member of the Church.
comfirmation Example
- Sylvia received official confirmation of the instructorship. ( सिल्विया को निर्देशन की आधिकारिक पुष्टि मिली। )
- She glanced over at James for confirmation. ( उसने पुष्टि के लिए जेम्स पर नज़र रखी। )
- Flu prevented her from attending her daughter's confirmation. ( फ्लू ने उसे अपनी बेटी की पुष्टि में भाग लेने से रोका। )
- Written confirmation came three days later. ( तीन दिन बाद लिखित पुष्टि हुई। )
More Sentence
- For the first time in months, he had confirmation that he was headed the right way.
- I'm sure of it! exclaimed Natasha, reading confirmation in Anna Mikhaylovna's face.
- Confirmation of the fact was comforting; Evelyn would never have to worry about money again.
- An interesting confirmation of Dorpfeld's view is furnished by the map of Guillet and Coronelli, published in 1672, in which the Enneacrunus is depicted as a well with a stream of running water in the neighbourhood of the Pnyx.
- She nodded in confirmation.
- They took her resignation from Bendix as confirmation of their suspicions.
- We will send you written confirmation of our offer shortly.
- All the boys looked at Olin for confirmation.
- The idea is to wait for mutual confirmation.
- This is a momentum reversal confirmation play.
- Staples had an example of strong confirmation.
- The specific confirmation may be made with:.
- This is a confirmation of the wonder of faith.
- Carol stared at him waiting for confirmation.
- Both are key for use in confirmation, however.
- Can you give us any confirmation of that?
- I need some confirmation first, he said.
- Direct experience is the only valid confirmation.
- It is recommended that confirmation be obtained.
- We are still awaiting confirmation of the exact number of casualties.
- Most hotels require confirmation from a prospective guest in writing.
- Travel arrangements are subject to confirmation by State Tourist Organisations.
- We need confirmation in writing before we can send your order out.
- Please send a cheque with written confirmation of your booking.
- She scans my face for confirmation.