colllate - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of colllate in Hindi

  • कोलेट
  • मिलाना
  • मुक़ाबला करना
  • तुलना करना
  • जाँजना
  • पुस्तकों के पन्ने लगाना

colllate Definition


  • collect and combine (texts, information, or sets of figures) in proper order.
  • appoint (a member of the clergy) to a benefice.

colllate Example

  •  In the next article, the final one in this series, I shall collate all the information and listings I've presented so far into a convenient cross-reference. ( अगले लेख में, इस श्रृंखला में अंतिम एक, मैं उन सभी सूचनाओं और सूचियों को मिलाऊंगा जो मैंने अब तक एक सुविधाजनक क्रॉस-रेफरेंस में प्रस्तुत की हैं। )
  • The article is based on Jhou's edition and focus on collate state, the dispute of JiMeiJi and textual criticism. It hopes to support a solid foundation for further research of Jiandeng Xinyu. ( लेख झोउ के संस्करण पर आधारित है और कोलाज राज्य पर ध्यान केंद्रित किया गया है, जिमीजी के विवाद और पाठकीय आलोचना। यह जियानडेंग Xinyu के आगे अनुसंधान के लिए एक ठोस आधार का समर्थन करने की उम्मीद करता है। )
  • Use the attendance spreadsheet to collate and review each student's attendance counsellor attendance records. ( प्रत्येक छात्र की उपस्थिति काउंसलर उपस्थिति रिकॉर्ड को समेटने और समीक्षा करने के लिए उपस्थिति स्प्रेडशीट का उपयोग करें। )
  • Author collate some of the following practical tips, and I hope to help beginners.( लेखक निम्नलिखित कुछ व्यावहारिक युक्तियों को समेटता है, और मुझे उम्मीद है कि शुरुआती मदद कर सकते हैं। )

More Sentence

  • It must be mentioned here that the reactions of any particular substance are given under its own heading, and in this article we shall only collate the various operations and outline the general procedure.
  • To prepare and to collate reports and statistics as required.
  • The article thinks the reform of ground collate unit, reorganization, transforming is a whole, person inseparable.
  • They have begun to collate their own statistics on racial abuse.
  • In Part 4, I'll collate all the information I've presented so far into a convenient cross-reference.
  • To collate the whole of the material accumulated at different parts of the world is a much more difficult task; it requires first of all a most carefully constructed star-catalogue, upon which the further discussion may be built.
  • Thus new histories were written and old ones unearthed, collected and printed, but no attempt was made to criticize and collate the manuscripts of the past, or to present two sides of a question in the writings of the present.
  • The secondary market, which collate trend shock, shortly after the adjustment still needs to be cautious.
  • I identify relevant information, collate and report on crime trends highlighting areas that need attention.
  • Collate market and candidate information via telephone and internet in order to deliver to clients specifications.
  • The police Holmes computor system, set up for major crime investigations, is being used to collate information from across Britain.
  • With the help of her midwifery manager, she raised funds from the hospital to print and collate the material.
  • parcels to able bishops and other learned men, to peruse and collate each the book or books allotted them.
  • The door it adorned was open and from inside came the familiar sound of a photocopier on print and collate.
  • Of capital structure unreasonable make the development of unit of collate a few has difficulty walking.
  • According to the steady-state flow regular pattern, to analysis H-K hydrodynamic model, to collate pressure calculation model of under-balanced drilling steady-state design.