dismay - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of dismay in Hindi

  • बेचैनी
  • संत्रास
  • घबराहट
  • हलचल
  • गड़बड़
  • भय
  • त्रास
  • भय के कारण निः साहस


  • हताश करना
  • त्रस्त करना

dismay Definition


  • consternation and distress, typically that caused by something unexpected.


  • cause (someone) to feel consternation and distress.

dismay Example

  • To his dismay, she left him ( उसकी निराशा के लिए, उसने उसे छोड़ दिया )
  • To her dismay, the traitor's name came out a half sob. ( उसकी निराशा के लिए, गद्दार का नाम आधा सिसक उठा। )
  • To my dismay I found that it was in the American notation. ( मेरी निराशा के लिए मैंने पाया कि यह अमेरिकी अंकन में था। )
  • "You didn't, did you?" she stared at him in a cross between dismay and amazement. ( "तुमने नहीं किया, है ना?" उसने उसे निराशा और विस्मय के बीच एक क्रॉस में देखा। )

More Sentence

  • She turned on the device and waited, uttering a cry of dismay when she saw the background.
  • He wished to take a decision, but felt with dismay that in this matter he lacked that strength of will which he had known in himself and really possessed.
  • I felt a great deal of dismay when the author killed off my favorite character.  
  • When the actor killed himself, he left many fans paralyzed with dismay.  
  • The broken car window was cause for dismay.  
  • To the dismay of the police, the bank robbers were able to escape.  
  • They looked at each other with dismay.
  • He surveyed the battle scene in dismay.
  • Greg and Rachel looked at it in dismay.
  • Some who have tried to do that in all sincerity have found to their dismay that they were wholly misunderstood.
  • The countrywoman was in dismay at being told that five hundred francs were owing for the last fortnight.
  • What was he there for but to spy out and blackmail, and cause ruin and dismay to her and her loved ones?
  • A groan of anger and dismay escaped his lips after each attempt to send his bullet to the spot intended.
  • Iola gazed with sorrowful dismay on what seemed the cruel work of an incendiary's torch.
  • These thoughts flashed through his mind, filling him with sickening dismay and inexpressible disgust.
  • It was discussed by the great newspapers in terms of polite dismay but almost invariably in good temper.
  • They stopped, staring at them in dismay.
  • She cried out in dismay, and he in fury.
  • Dismay showed on the agent’s face then.
  • Kenneth Charles shook his head in dismay.
  • News of these occurrences was received with dismay in England.
  • She looked at him in dismay trying to guess what he wanted of her.
  • "I do not understand," said Pierre, feeling with dismay doubts reawakening.
  • Jessi asked in dismay.