charade - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of charade in Hindi
- शब्द पहेली
- शब्द-बुझौवल
- शब्द-प्रहेलिका
- शब्द-पहेली
charade Definition
- an absurd pretense intended to create a pleasant or respectable appearance. ( एक बेतुका ढोंग एक सुखद या सम्मानजनक उपस्थिति बनाने का इरादा रखता है। )
charade Example
- So they went farther and farther until they couldn't keep the charade going any more. ( इसलिए वे तब तक आगे और आगे बढ़ते गए जब तक कि वे किसी भी और काम को पूरा नहीं कर सकते। )
- The charade was kept up for a long time, far too long, but all that has changed now. ( चैराहे को लंबे समय तक रखा गया था, बहुत दूर तक, लेकिन यह सब अब बदल गया है। )
- A glance at the list of candidates shows that the whole thing is a charade . ( उम्मीदवारों की सूची पर एक नज़र से पता चलता है कि पूरी बात एक सारथी है। )
- The amazing thing is that our reporters, our public and our government buys into their charade . ( कमाल की बात यह है कि हमारे पत्रकार, हमारी जनता और हमारी सरकार अपने चौराहे पर खरीदती है। )
- We'll probably never know the reasons behind the charade we've just witnessed. ( हम शायद हमारे द्वारा देखे गए चारे के पीछे के कारणों को कभी नहीं जान पाएंगे। )
- But fortunately, as part of my ongoing charade of being a writer, I have a pad and pen with me. ( लेकिन सौभाग्य से, एक लेखक होने के मेरे चल रहे चरित्र के हिस्से के रूप में, मेरे पास एक पैड और पेन है। )
More Sentence
- talk of unity was nothing more than a charade
- Cyril confesses to never taking to parliament as an institution and described it as a charade and a farce.
- When it's presented in this way, most women can see chivalry for the silly charade it really is.
- Willing to humor him though, just to see what he was up to, I continued the charade .
- This budget is a pure charade with more hidden tax than the publicised ones.
- Unfortunately, I cannot say the same for the final executive meeting which was a charade of democracy.
- This charade of an interview was nothing more than a commercial for appeasement.
- It was an elaborate charade which, through the performance of ritual, disguised the imposition of the royal will.
- "It is time to end this charade , " she said menacingly.
- I was finding it increasingly difficult to keep up my charade with Peter, and every kiss was tainted with my dishonesty.
- Maybe it's time we dropped the charade and accepted that we're as brash and pushy as any New York cabbie ever was.
- Or would he have continued this charade and pretended he was going to medical school?
- In place of a serious investigation, the FBI has mounted an elaborate charade .
- The first meeting of the county committee last Thursday was a charade .
- Moll took a moment to try to decipher it, feeling like she was playing an odd parlour game of charades .
- The soldiers from both sides quickly overcame the language barrier and communicated in a fashion more like a noisy game of charades .
- In the evenings or holidays we played charades and card games and table tennis.
- As in any game of charades , eventually all the clues click and the answer suddenly became obvious.
- A lively game of charades finished a fun filled evening.
- We ate dinner, we played games such as charades , and we danced to the music (I danced with Lei, of course).
- For the Easter holiday weekend how about we start a game of charades ?
- The evening ended with a game of charades with some very unusual and funny pub names to guess.
- The whole thing was one of the most cynical charades in memory.
- She introduced him to charades , although the clues had to be limited to those that could be done from a sitting position.