central - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of central in Hindi

  • केंद्रीय
  • मध्य
  • मुख्य
  • प्रधान
  • केंद्र-संबंधी
  • सेंट्रल
  • केन्द्रीय

central Definition


  • of, at, or forming the center. ( केंद्र में, की, या बनाने पर। )
  • of the greatest importance; principal or essential. ( सबसे बड़ा महत्व; प्रधान या आवश्यक। )


  • a place with a high concentration of a specified type of person or thing. ( किसी निर्दिष्ट प्रकार के व्यक्ति या वस्तु की उच्च सांद्रता वाला स्थान। )

central Example

  • With a central service area in the middle of the forest complex of stages, the road miles are being kept to the absolute minimum. ( चरणों के वन परिसर के बीच में एक केंद्रीय सेवा क्षेत्र के साथ, सड़क मील को पूर्ण न्यूनतम तक रखा जा रहा है। )
  • the doorway is central ( द्वार केंद्रीय है )
  • Sunni Arabs live mainly in central areas without oil reserves and fear they will end up short changed. ( सुन्नी अरब मुख्य रूप से तेल भंडार के बिना केंद्रीय क्षेत्रों में रहते हैं और उन्हें डर है कि वे अल्प परिवर्तन को समाप्त कर देंगे। )
  • The central committee will then provide direction. ( केंद्रीय समिति फिर दिशा प्रदान करेगी। )
  • It has changed a little bit since I lived there; there is a lot of stuff going on around the central dock area where I used to work during my placement year. ( मैंने वहाँ रहते हुए इसे थोड़ा बदल दिया है; केंद्रीय डॉक क्षेत्र के आसपास बहुत सारा सामान चल रहा है जहां मैं अपने प्लेसमेंट वर्ष के दौरान काम करता था। )
  • central committee ( केंद्रीय समिति )

More Sentence

  • We have already installed many - more than 1,000 spaces in the central area as well as many more in the suburbs.
  • However, if your house is party central , Fuzion Frenzy has some potential.
  • The strike has the backing of the National Labor Front, Nicaragua's central labor organization.
  • But the principle is central to Brown's personal election campaign.
  • Those principles are now central to determining what is due process.
  • The concept of independence is central to the role of an attorney.
  • This arrangement is based on Steiner's Fundamental Social Principle and has been central to the Camphill ethos.
  • At this stage he took some interest in party organization and established central office in 1870.
  • This parochial approach is not assisted by an academia that finds these issues, no matter how central to the issue of strategy, a bit of a yawn.
  • It includes the 1, 200m wall which runs around the whole central area of the estate.
  • Endorsement should also be central to the campaign.
  • This current is powered by batteries in the telephone company's central office.
  • Some of them were worried about what was being done to ease the situation in crowded central areas like Chikpet.
  • Two long, shallow water tanks flank the central display booth area.
  • she lives in central Dublin
  • the central points of the matter
  • The near-open central vowel is a type of vowel sound, used in some spoken languages.
  • I don't know why they didn't have it on a weekend, or at least in a more central location.
  • religion is a central theme in his work
  • A coordinated and targeted media campaign was central to this effort.
  • the central cause of the problem
  • Three overlying principles are central to the commission's findings.
  • The landscape has been acknowledged by central government organisations and committees as being of national significance.
  • The party is also divided top-down from the central committee to the local party offices.