exudes - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of exudes in Hindi

  • बाहर निकलना


  • पसीजना
  • चूना
  • रसकर बहना

exudes Definition


  • discharge (moisture or a smell) slowly and steadily.
  • (of a person) display (an emotion or quality) strongly and openly.

exudes Example

  • The trees are regularly tapped and the coagulated latex which exudes is collected and worked up into rubber. ( पेड़ों को नियमित रूप से टैप किया जाता है और जमा हुआ लेटेक्स जो बाहर निकलता है उसे एकत्र किया जाता है और रबर में काम किया जाता है। )
  • Charas, or churrus, is the resin itself collected, as it exudes naturally from the plant, in different ways. ( चरस, या चुरस, स्वयं एकत्र किया गया राल है, क्योंकि यह पौधे से प्राकृतिक रूप से अलग-अलग तरीकों से निकलता है। )
  • The liquid which exudes from the glandular hairs clothing the leaves and stems of the plant, more especially during the cold season when the seeds ripen, contains a notable proportion of oxalic acid. ( ग्रंथियों के रोम से निकलने वाले तरल में पौधे की पत्तियों और तनों को ढक दिया जाता है, विशेष रूप से ठंड के मौसम में जब बीज पकते हैं, तो इसमें ऑक्सालिक एसिड का एक उल्लेखनीय अनुपात होता है। )
  • When cut open, it displays an infinity of tiny leaf-buds and stems, and at intervals there exudes from it an aromatic resin, which from its astringent properties is used by the shepherds as a vulnerary, but has not been converted to any commercial purpose. ( जब इसे काटा जाता है, तो यह छोटे पत्तों की कलियों और तनों की एक अनंतता को प्रदर्शित करता है, और अंतराल पर इसमें से एक सुगंधित राल निकलता है, जो इसके कसैले गुणों से चरवाहों द्वारा एक कमजोर के रूप में उपयोग किया जाता है, लेकिन किसी भी व्यावसायिक उद्देश्य में परिवर्तित नहीं किया गया है।  )

More Sentence

  • In the ear of rye that is infected with ergot a species of fermentation takes place, and there exudes from it a sweet yellowish mucus, which after a time disappears.
  • O'Halloran exudes loser poignancy without ever quite turning pitiful.
  • At age 70, Runyon exudes a steely, unblinking determination.
  • He exudes something that can only be called a confident relaxation.
  • "I'm happy, " he exuded.
  • They are attracted by a sweet substance exuded by the bud.
  • With Patrick Ewing nowhere in sight, the Nets exuded confidence.
  • For his part, Gramm continues to exude his characteristic confidence.
  • If vegetable mixture exudes more liquid, drain off excess again.
  • To Grace, Maynard exuded honesty, hard work and toughness.
  • It's difficult to see exudes in a sentence .
  • Mott exuded confidence that Cigar will top Citation's record.
  • His stump speech exudes the optimism that serves his party well.
  • When the milk-like juice (" spuma pinguis," Pliny) which exudes has hardened by exposure to the atmosphere, the incision is deepened.
  • The acacias and the Rosaceae yield their gums most abundantly when sickly and in an abnormal state, caused by a fulness of sap in the young tissues, whereby the new cells are softened and finally disorganized; the cavities thus formed fill with liquid, which exudes, dries and constitutes the gum.