acetate - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of acetate in Hindi
- एसीटेट
- शौक्त
- शुक्त
- सिरका
acetate Definition
- a salt or ester of acetic acid, containing the anion CH 3 COO − or the group —OCCH 3.
- cellulose acetate, especially as used to make textile fibers or plastic.
acetate Example
- You may also want to tape a large piece of acetate under the screen and print onto that, once - you can then move around the T-shirt or paper you're printing on underneath the acetate to get things registered right. ( आप स्क्रीन के नीचे एसीटेट के एक बड़े टुकड़े को टेप करना चाहते हैं और उस पर प्रिंट कर सकते हैं, एक बार - आप टी-शर्ट या कागज के चारों ओर घूम सकते हैं जिसे आप एसीटेट के नीचे प्रिंट कर रहे हैं ताकि चीजें सही दर्ज हो सकें। )
- For example, they are central to the most common industrial method for making acetic acid, which is the main ingredient in vinegar and essential in the manufacture of some solvents, acetate fibers, and flavors. ( उदाहरण के लिए, वे एसिटिक एसिड बनाने के लिए सबसे आम औद्योगिक विधि के लिए केंद्रीय हैं, जो सिरका में मुख्य घटक है और कुछ सॉल्वैंट्स, एसीटेट फाइबर और फ्लेवर के निर्माण में आवश्यक है। )
More Sentence
- One tiny dot of glue per shape is all that is needed to tack down the tissue to the acetate .
- In the laboratory the normal method of methane preparation is to combine one part sodium acetate and two parts sodium hydroxide.
- Hence, they were likely to be strict anaerobes, or possibly microaerophiles, with a capacity to degrade sugars and/or amino acids, forming acetate as one of the end products.
- It encompasses pattern-making, tailoring, dressmaking, alterations and dyeing silks - along with restored pageant and wedding dresses in polyester, acetate and silk.
- I don't want the color to be too intense so it's ok if the acetate takes little to no color.
- Phillips cut an acetate dub of the song with no backing side and delivered it to Dewey, who debuted the song on his July 8 show.
- Transparency tracing of wound surface area consists of outlining the wound perimeter on acetate transparent film.
- The action of acetylcholine is terminated rapidly, in around 10 milliseconds; an enzyme breaks the transmitter down into choline and an acetate ion.
- Measurement of wound surface area was obtained by using an acetate tracing and planimeter, a method that has been validated in all common etiologies of ulcers.
- To test this hypothesis, the researchers drilled a series of wells downstream from where they dripped the acetate and periodically took water samples.
- Here I concentrate on painting on ‘glass’ - by this I mean not only glass as such; but plastic, mirrors and acetate .
- This map was mounted in the CP and streets were labelled using white strips of paper taped to the acetate .
- As far as Rosentiel's ability to print on a broad range of substrates, the company has stated that the image can be applied to acetate , silk, leather and even steel.
- The first clinical trails were conducted with the acetate salt.
- A final suggestion for getting images onto clear plastic sheets for this and other projects is to use an acrylic medium and transfer the ink-jet printed image to the acetate .
- In this conjugate, the free alcoholic hydroxy group on the vinca alkaloid-based antineoplastic drug was generated by hydrolysis of the original acetate ester.
- The pH was adjusted to 6.5 using the acetate buffer.
- It may be mentioned that the company is credited with many firsts - introduction of pre-wash, wrinkle-free, golf-ball-wash, stain- and wrinkle-free, stretchable and celanese acetate fibre garments.
- Odors used included amyl acetate , which smells like bananas; phenyl ethyl alcohol, which smells like roses; propionic acid, which smells like vinegar; eugenol, which smells like cloves; and citral, which smells lemony.
- It's like you've slipped through acetate into this weird film world, been transported out of the ordinary, and you're just a little out of step with everyone
- Applying acrylics to the acetate with bamboo brushes, Stone controls viscosity and opacity while leaving the edges of the transparent film unpainted.
- After the introduction of aspirin, he had developed not only several more drugs but also cellulose acetate, acetate silk, and acetate safety film before leaving Bayer in 1908 to establish his own factory in Berlin.
- Lurid and Eridsen used a sodium acetate buffer with some samples, but could not obtain satisfactory results.
- Then ammonium acetate solution was added to replace the adsorbed sodium with ammonium ions.
- Triacetate is an improved acetate fabric which doesn't melt as easier and is easier to care for.
- These people were creating overheads for a projector, and were using the acetate sheets, and one of them was completely wrapped around the fuser and welded to it.
- A full-scale instant film system combined with acetate tracing is a noninvasive technique that provides image documentation for calculation and visual inspection of a PU over time.
- Apparently they had just tried to print an acetate on a laser printer and it ‘appears to have melted’.