centigrade - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of centigrade in Hindi

  • सेंटीग्रेड
  • सौ अंशों में विभाजित
  • सौ अंशों में बंटा
  • शतांशिक जिसमें सौ अंश हों
  • ताप मापन एकक

centigrade Definition


  • another term for Celsius. ( सेल्सियस के लिए एक और शब्द। )


  • the Celsius scale of temperature. ( तापमान का डिग्री सेल्सियस। )

centigrade Example

  • At about 400 degrees centigrade , the nano-tip comes into contact with the plastic substrate allowing it to ‘write’ by punching a hole into the surface. ( लगभग 400 डिग्री सेंटीग्रेड पर, नैनो-टिप प्लास्टिक सब्सट्रेट के संपर्क में आती है, जो सतह के एक छिद्र को छिद्र करके 'लिखने' की अनुमति देती है। )
  • The 40 degrees centigrade heat, high humidity and long hours all take their toll on crews. ( 40 डिग्री सेंटीग्रेड गर्मी, उच्च आर्द्रता और लंबे समय तक सभी चालक दल पर अपना टोल लेते हैं। )
  • The organizer has built a large refrigerator covering 1,500 square metres and temperature inside is kept below minus 14 centigrade degrees. ( आयोजक ने 1,500 वर्ग मीटर को कवर करने वाला एक बड़ा रेफ्रिजरेटर बनाया है और अंदर का तापमान शून्य से 14 सेंटीग्रेड डिग्री नीचे रखा गया है। )
  • The effect of this was to heat the air to a temperature which at times was estimated to approach 1,000 degrees centigrade . ( इसका प्रभाव हवा को एक तापमान पर गर्म करना था जो कई बार 1,000 डिग्री सेंटीग्रेड तक पहुंचने का अनुमान लगाता था। )

More Sentence

  • Unlike most sponges, they release their contents only when heated to temperatures of hundreds of degrees centigrade .
  • Weather experts are predicting a scorcher of a summer - the government recently issued a heat-wave plan after the Met Office predicted that summer temperatures would exceed the 22 degrees centigrade average.
  • If you are walking outdoors on a 37 degrees centigrade day and suddenly feel weak, dizzy and nauseous chances are you are suffering from heat exhaustion.
  • Germany is also approaching its record of 40 degrees centigrade hit back in 1983.
  • This was a sunny day, with the temperature in the low to mid twenties centigrade , so the tables were mostly full.
  • We can be confident that water boiled at 100 degrees centigrade under conditions of normal pressure in Jerusalem in the fifth century CE, just as it did in nineteenth century Chicago.
  • The heat exchangers will convert waste heat from the 360 degrees centigrade flame grills - where the chain's famous Whopper burger comes to life - into energy.
  • It was a hot, cloudless and humid day, 27 degrees centigrade , with a light south-easterly wind.
  • Thermal conditions are also extreme, with external temperatures ranging from plus or minus more than a hundred degrees centigrade .
  • Temperatures in the shady old town never rise above 25 degrees centigrade .
  • Temperatures will struggle to reach zero in the daytime and are expected to plummet to around minus 10 degrees centigrade overnight.
  • The Fassenon nuclear plant in eastern France was just two degrees centigrade away from an emergency shutdown, forcing technicians to hose down one of the reactors.
  • Day-time temperatures are frequently in the low twenties centigrade but, once night falls, they plummet to minus ten or even below that in a matter of minutes.
  • the centigrade scale
  • The choice of temperatures was based on the fact that the cells were caught at approximately 25 degrees centigrade and grown into clonal populations at 21-24 degrees centigrade .
  • As clear skies and sunshine sent temperatures up to 25 degrees centigrade , hundreds packed Hilly Fields, Brockley, for the ever-popular festival.
  • The authors wrote that ‘the trend in daily mean temperature due to land use changes is 0.35 degrees centigrade per century.’