can - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of can in Hindi

  • कर सकते हैं
  • सकना
  • डिब्बा बंद करना
  • समर्थ होना
  • डिब्बे में बंद करना
  • संभव होना


  • डिब्बा
  • कनस्तर
  • टिन का बर्तन
  • कटोरा
  • योग्य होना

can Definition


  • a cylindrical metal container. ( एक बेलनाकार धातु कंटेनर। )
  • prison. ( जेल व। )
  • the toilet. ( शौचालय। )


  • be able to. ( करने में सक्षम हो। )
  • be permitted to. ( की अनुमति दी जाए। )
  • used to indicate that something is typically the case. ( यह इंगित करने के लिए उपयोग किया जाता है कि कुछ आमतौर पर मामला है। )
  • preserve (food) in a can. ( कैन में संरक्षित (भोजन)। )
  • dismiss (someone) from their job. ( (किसी को) उनकी नौकरी से बर्खास्त करना। )

can Example

  • it's as good as it can be ( यह जितना अच्छा हो सकता है )
  • The challenge for me is first to make the final and then to go as fast as I can . ( मेरे लिए सबसे पहले चुनौती फाइनल करने की है और फिर मैं जितनी तेजी से आगे बढ़ सकता हूं। )
  • all I can say is that it's dangerous ( मैं केवल इतना कह सकता हूं कि यह खतरनाक है )
  • Not only can he not read music, he cannot read at all. ( न केवल वह संगीत नहीं पढ़ सकता है, वह बिल्कुल भी नहीं पढ़ सकता है। )
  • Signal controlled crossings mean pedestrians can only cross when permitted to do so. ( सिग्नल नियंत्रित क्रॉसिंग का मतलब है कि पैदल यात्री केवल तभी पार कर सकते हैं जब ऐसा करने की अनुमति दी जाए। )
  • as you can see, it's finished ( जैसा कि आप देख सकते हैं, यह समाप्त हो गया है )

More Sentence

  • antique clocks can seem out of place in modern homes
  • you can stop laughing
  • a garbage can
  • a can of hairspray
  • payment can be made by cheque
  • I feel safer to know that my three older children can call me or I can call them on the mobile phone.
  • can I call you Mícheál?
  • you can drop me off over there
  • it can be done
  • they can run fast
  • he can do it himself
  • it wouldn't have happened in my day, I can tell you
  • they can only be worn on the beach
  • Dedicating a room to formal dining and nothing else is a luxury most of us can ill afford.
  • you can imagine my terror
  • you can go
  • He emerged from the shop empty handed, and said: I'm sorry, can you lend me £6?
  • it can print twelve copies at the same time
  • There are a number of practical considerations governing the kind of tree we can choose.
  • Inscriptions in public places can also indicate the social status of the artist.
  • She can even check the timetable on her mobile phone to find out if Darren's bus has left on time.
  • How misguided can you be to choose to eat your lunch in a place that has always been noted for pigeons?
  • When group thinking manifests itself in the form of group knowledge, then it can be a good thing.
  • can I have one more go?