camouflage - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of camouflage in Hindi

  • छलावरण


  • छलावरण लगाना
  • छल

camouflage Definition


  • hide or disguise the presence of (a person, animal, or object) by means of camouflage. ( छलावरण के माध्यम से (किसी व्यक्ति, जानवर, या वस्तु) की उपस्थिति को छिपाना या उसे छुपाना। )


  • the disguising of military personnel, equipment, and installations by painting or covering them to make them blend in with their surroundings. ( सैन्य कर्मियों, उपकरणों, और प्रतिष्ठानों के चित्र या पेंटिंग को ढंकना या उन्हें अपने परिवेश के साथ मिश्रण करने के लिए कवर करना। )

camouflage Example

  • They're complete masters of camouflage and deception. ( वे छलावरण और धोखे के पूर्ण स्वामी हैं। )
  • Thus plumage soiling not only provides instant camouflage but, unlike molting, is easily reversible. ( इस प्रकार आलूबुखारा न केवल तात्कालिक छलावरण प्रदान करता है, बल्कि पिघलने के विपरीत, आसानी से प्रतिवर्ती है। )
  • By relying on camouflage , the military resort to the same artifice that enables many prey animals to enhance their chances of survival by minimizing detectability. ( छलावरण पर भरोसा करके, उसी आर्टिफ़िस का सैन्य सहारा जो कई शिकार जानवरों को पहचानने की क्षमता को कम करके जीवित रहने की संभावनाओं को बढ़ाने में सक्षम बनाता है। )
  • Dressed in camouflage , gripping his .357 caliber Magnum, Demar was primed to shoot. ( छलावरण में सजे, अपने .357 कैलिबर मैग्नम को पकड़कर, डेमार को शूट करने के लिए प्राइम किया गया था। )
  • Natural camouflage is one of nature's most interesting traits. ( प्राकृतिक छलावरण प्रकृति के सबसे दिलचस्प लक्षणों में से एक है। )

More Sentence

  • She was dressed in green camouflage and waving a banner that Ford couldn't read, since it was backwards.
  • In its natural environment its mottled colouring provides camouflage .
  • He attempts to camouflage these holes with unproven conjecture.
  • New ideas are often slow to catch on in the military, and digital camouflage was one of them.
  • The U.S. soldiers, dressed in Kevlar vests and desert tan camouflage , were drenched with sweat.
  • This may have served the purpose of camouflage , making the animal more inconspicuous.
  • The use of modern combat hardware and equipment sets higher standards for camouflage , concealment, and deception.
  • the whiteness of polar bears provides camouflage
  • Detailed centralised supervision and inspection is a recipe for decline which official statistics merely camouflage .
  • Bara also warned that such a hasty accusation could prompt a perception among the public that it is merely camouflage for the real masterminds of the bombings.
  • The camouflage Humvees were on every corner topped by national guardsmen.
  • on the trenches were pieces of turf, which served for camouflage
  • These, in addition to its natural camouflage , discourage other organisms from feeding on it.
  • However, the official statistics only serve to camouflage the real death toll, which some unofficial estimates put at almost twice the reported level.
  • Other camouflage accessories include camo tape and other items that will help hide a shotgun.
  • It is possible that under certain light conditions they provide camouflage .
  • He has also claimed that children with severe dental problems are also being removed from waiting lists to camouflage the extent of the problem.
  • Following her was a man, also dressed in desert camouflage .
  • The Greek soldiers clunk around set with combat boots, camouflage , and sub-machine guns.
  • Participants will also find out how animals use camouflage .
  • I squint up at the buff man dressed completely in camouflage and raise an eyebrow.
  • Woolrich offers both camouflage and traditional hunting clothing for turkey hunters.
  • The patterned coats of sleeping wild dogs are easily mistaken for dead logs, elephant dung and fallen mopane leaves, providing them with perfect camouflage in their favourite habitat.
  • At each test site the observers were asked to select the one camouflage uniform that blended best with the surrounding urban background.
  • Big animals don't need camouflage , because they're big - they're dangerous.