call box - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of call box in Hindi
- कॉल बॉक्स
call box Definition
- a roadside telephone for use only in an emergency. ( केवल एक आपात स्थिति में उपयोग के लिए सड़क के किनारे का टेलीफोन। )
- a public telephone booth. ( एक सार्वजनिक टेलीफोन बूथ। )
call box Example
- You only had to use a call box once during the day to realise it was costing you an arm and a leg. ( आपको दिन में एक बार कॉल बॉक्स का उपयोग करना था, यह महसूस करने के लिए कि आपको एक हाथ और एक पैर की कीमत चुकानी थी। )
- From a call box he phoned Susan and was surprised to get an answer. ( एक फोन बॉक्स से वह सुसान को फोन किया और उसका उत्तर मिल आश्चर्यचकित था। )
- I was standing on a street and saw a red emergency call box . ( मैं एक सड़क पर खड़ा था और एक लाल आपातकालीन कॉल बॉक्स देखा। )
- Since he doesn't want his wife to find out about phoning the young lass he phones her instead from a call box , the very same one, every morning at a set time. ( चूँकि वह नहीं चाहता कि उसकी पत्नी एक कॉल बॉक्स से युवा फोन के बजाय उसे फोन करने के बारे में पता लगाए, जो एक ही समय में हर सुबह एक निर्धारित समय पर होता है। )
More Sentence
- One day I was expecting an important call so I rang my home telephone from a public call box and keyed into my messaging service to see if anyone had phoned.
- Griffin says covert liaisons and secret calls from a lover in a call box proclaiming how much he needs you are romantic and even addictive.
- John Marshall was on the run from York Police when he telephoned his mother from a public call box in Amsterdam and told her he had nothing to lose.
- Residents say that a succession of elderly women in the village has kept the call box spick and span and added the homely touches for more than 15 years.
- He had been unable to get through on his mobile and so had used a call box .
- But subsequently he had changed that account and said he now remembered meeting a witness and being out of his flat earlier and going to a call box to ring his drug supplier.
- Nina hides a bottle of vodka in the elevator call box .
- Still standing in the same village is the red call box which features in the film.
- His time machine looks like a British police call box from the '60s.
- I remember a sequence where he is in a call box in the middle of nowhere waiting to jump another freight train west.
- A CCTV operator then gave police details of a man in a call box on Kew Road, Richmond.
- She was walking back to her hostel after phoning her boyfriend at a nearby call box when she was attacked.
- It was much easier than going to the call box outside then running back inside the shop to make my purchase.
- That's where the Safe Tee emergency call box comes into play.
- At one point she claims her daughter's mobile phone number was plastered in call boxes and at bus stops inviting people to ring her on a chat line.
- British Telecom announced recently that it planned to remove around 10,000 of the 75,000 public call boxes of all types still in existence.
- It blames the proliferation of mobile phones for the fact that some call boxes , particularly those in quieter areas, are becoming obsolete.
- Further back, toward the cathedral's choir section, four cast-iron emergency call boxes were arranged in front of a 30-foot-long wall of newspaper clippings about police violence.
- A safety escort service had been established, and emergency call boxes were installed on campus.
- To speed communication from outlying areas, install emergency call boxes or another form of communication.
- You may have seen larger solar panels - on emergency road signs or call boxes , on buoys, even in parking lots to power lights.
- British Telecom is planning to axe 30,000 call boxes throughout the country.
- Cellular technology is rendering coin operated call boxes redundant.