calculus - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of calculus in Hindi

  • गणना
  • पथरी
  • अश्मरी
  • अश्म
  • हिसाब
  • शुमार

calculus Definition


  • the branch of mathematics that deals with the finding and properties of derivatives and integrals of functions, by methods originally based on the summation of infinitesimal differences. The two main types are differential calculus and integral calculus. ( गणित की वह शाखा जो मूल रूप से असीम अंतर के योग पर आधारित विधियों द्वारा डेरिवेटिव्स और फ़ंक्शंस के अभिन्न गुणों को खोजती है। दो मुख्य प्रकार अंतर कलन और अभिन्न कलन हैं। )
  • a particular method or system of calculation or reasoning. ( गणना या तर्क की एक विशेष विधि या प्रणाली। )

calculus Example

  • We must make the course accessible to students whose common background includes only the freshman and sophomore courses in calculus and differential equations. ( हमें पाठ्यक्रम को उन छात्रों के लिए सुलभ बनाना चाहिए, जिनकी आम पृष्ठभूमि में कैलकुलस और डिफरेंशियल इक्वेशन में केवल फ्रेशमैन और सोफोमोर कोर्स शामिल हैं। )
  • His work is almost exclusively on calculus , in particular differential equations and functions of a real variable. ( उनका काम लगभग विशेष रूप से कैलकुलस पर है, विशेष रूप से अंतर समीकरणों और एक वास्तविक चर के कार्यों में। )
  • Continuity is the mathematics of calculus and physics but there's never been a theory of computation that deals with this continuum. ( निरंतरता कैलकुलस और भौतिकी का गणित है लेकिन गणना का सिद्धांत कभी नहीं रहा है जो इस निरंतरता से संबंधित है। )
  • He became a physics major but differential equations and calculus just didn't excite him. ( वह एक भौतिकी प्रमुख बन गया लेकिन विभेदक समीकरण और कैलकुलस ने उसे उत्तेजित नहीं किया। )
  • By integrating the function using calculus we can compare the sum of the series with the integral of the function and draw conclusions from this. ( कैलकुलस का उपयोग करके फ़ंक्शन को एकीकृत करके हम फ़ंक्शन के अभिन्न के साथ श्रृंखला के योग की तुलना कर सकते हैं और इससे निष्कर्ष निकाल सकते हैं। )

More Sentence

  • Shtokalo worked mainly in the areas of differential equations, operational calculus and the history of mathematics.
  • There he taught courses on analytic functions and functional calculus .
  • During that year Moore also set about reading calculus because he enjoyed mathematics and wanted to extend his studies.
  • There is also a whole field of mathematics called ‘complex analysis’ which studies functions and calculus on the complex plane rather than real numbers.
  • Simion was soon teaching college-level courses such as multivariate calculus and differential equations to the most advanced math students.
  • Newton was one of the inventors of the branch of mathematics called calculus .
  • He made decisive and formative contributions to geometry, calculus and number theory.
  • The very fact that calculus is so effective, and the wealth of functions to which calculus may be applied, sometimes lulls the careless into thinking that all functions appear to become straight under magnification.
  • The stakes were high: calculus changed mathematics in a fundamental way, and its inventor would forever be remembered for this feat.
  • If plaque is not regularly removed the flora evolves, and plaque may calcify, forming calculus (tartar).
  • Choosing organ recipients amidst such shortages has been called ‘a grim calculus .’
  • The calculus is rough and causes plaque to accumulate more rapidly increasing the problem.
  • Once calculus has formed you cannot remove this yourself and is essential that your dentist or hygienist carries out scaling for you on a regular basis.
  • The Dutch clockmaker's discovery was all the more striking because he arrived at his results before the advent of the calculus of Newton and Leibniz.
  • This is, I think, the moral calculus at the heart of the argument, a calculus that folks on that side of the cultural divide very much want to preserve.
  • Indians also added to our knowledge of even more complicated branches of mathematics such as trigonometry and calculus .
  • The calculus may be extracted through the fistula site and if needed, sialodochotomy could help in delivering the calculus to the oral cavity.
  • Expectation is an experiential calculus through which the abstracted possibilities of the event are rendered subculturally consistent.
  • It is thought that the catheter balloons burst as they were pushed against the calculus as the bladder contracted during bladder emptying.
  • Each such language, he holds, includes analytic rules which provide a calculus for reasoning and a conceptual framework for describing its subject-matter.
  • This discussion is kept concise by the use of an elegant calculus of closure operations on group properties.
  • Therefore, the calculus of benefits and harms has changed.
  • I've sat in on these liver distribution meetings, and it's a grim calculus .
  • In all other patients, including those in whom a urinary calculus is not detected, intravenous contrast medium should be injected.
  • All this depended in turn on mathematical progress, notably calculus developed by Newton and Leibniz, which allowed for actuarial calculations.