brood - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of brood in Hindi
- बच्चे
- सेना
- अंडे सेना
- समूह
- झोल
brood Definition
- think deeply about something that makes one unhappy. ( किसी ऐसी चीज़ के बारे में गहराई से सोचें जो किसी को दुखी करती है। )
- (of a bird) sit on (eggs) to hatch them. ( (एक पक्षी का) उन्हें अंडे देने के लिए (अंडे) पर बैठते हैं। )
- (of silence, a storm, etc.) hang or hover closely. ( (मौन, तूफ़ान, आदि) निकट से लटकना या मंडराना। )
- a family of young animals, especially of a bird, produced at one hatching or birth. ( युवा जानवरों का एक परिवार, विशेषकर एक पक्षी का, जो एक हैचिंग या जन्म के समय पैदा होता है। )
- (of an animal) kept to be used for breeding. ( (एक जानवर का) प्रजनन के लिए इस्तेमाल किया जाता है। )
brood Example
- Like Strouf, wheat and barley are his largest sources of income, with a small herd of 60 brood cows and hay encompassing over 2,000 acres. ( स्ट्रॉफ की तरह, गेहूं और जौ उनकी आय का सबसे बड़ा स्रोत है, जिसमें 60 ब्रूड गायों का एक छोटा झुंड है और 2,000 एकड़ में घास है। )
- He's in his seventies now and it was just towards the end of his life that he came across good pedigrees, and they're the brood mares we've held on to. ( वह अब अपने सत्तर के दशक में है और यह उसके जीवन के अंत की ओर था कि वह अच्छे बच्चों के बीच आया था, और वे हमारे द्वारा आयोजित की गई शादी है। )
- For the second successive year Driffield-based hunter breeders Michael and Jeryl Grubb landed the county championship for home-bred brood mares. ( दूसरे क्रमिक वर्ष के लिए ड्रिफ़िल्ड-आधारित शिकारी प्रजनकों माइकल और जेरील ग्रबब ने होम-बर्ड ब्रूड मार्स के लिए काउंटी चैंपियनशिप को उतारा। )
- I hope their nesting was successful and that they raised a healthy brood of chicks. ( मुझे आशा है कि उनका घोंसला सफल रहा था और उन्होंने चूजों का एक स्वस्थ पौधा उगाया था। )
More Sentence
- Many cichlids brood the eggs in the mouth and, although rare, the free-swimming young of some species also rush into the parent's mouth for protection.
- In birds, the competitive ability of chicks within a brood is strongly influenced by their relative size and developmental stage.
- A few sea urchins brood their eggs in special pouches, but most provide no parental care.
- In six instances females started with a second clutch only about 1 week after chicks from the first brood had left the nest.
- Using this form of nest chamber enabled us to count the number of workers and brood in each subcolony without disturbing the nest.
- You have to consider from whence come your brood stock, the animals you're actually working with.
- He sold his business and, with his three sons and then wife, packed up a trailer filled with possessions - and 32 roosters and three brood hens - and headed for Oklahoma.
- Mr Norquoy hopes to acquire new brood stock from among the 24,000 pigeons on display.
- Just like humans, Greg advises owners to have their horse's teeth checked every six to eight months if they're being ridden - or every year if the hairy client is retired or a brood mare.
- Like ‘matrix’ of course - how else to get from a brood cow to a rectangular grid of numbers?
- He incubates the eggs for around 23 days and tends the brood after they hatch.
- And we know the importance of selecting a brood mare for an heir to the throne.
- Crinoids are gonochoric and brood their young until the embryo develops into a doliolarian larva or a fully formed juvenile crinoid.
- Like their seahorse relatives, male sea dragons brood the eggs.
- She has not been ridden in over 4 years as her previous owners used her as a brood mare.
- Cichlids follow a typical developmental pattern but some species brood the eggs in the mouth while developing.
- Parents appear to brood newly hatched chicks for only a few days.
- In time, something begins to hover and brood over the wreckage.
- Within three days of birth a brood of young may have been led a distance of almost a mile.
- My notebook reminds me of the scene: a dabchick swimming across the mere with a brood of tiny young all aboard and peeping from under the parent's wings.
- Females build the nest, incubate eggs, and brood nestlings, but both sexes choose the nest site and feed offspring.
- In honeybees, worker policing via egg eating enforces functional worker sterility in colonies with a queen and brood .
- The first nest containing a brood of tiny young was found in a slight depression in the ground beneath birches.
- It's a huge commitment of time, resources and money to bring a litter of puppies into the world and I don't think that anyone who thinks it will be pure fun and profit should be let near a potential brood bitch.
- After the grandmother and her brood got off, a little fellow was dropped at a house.
- Efficient concurrent functioning of both the guard and brood stealers is necessary to complete the task of stealing brood .