break - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of break in Hindi
- टूटना
- विराम
- तोड़ना-फोड़ना
- टूट पड़ना
- तोड़ना
- नष्ट करना
- भंग करना
- टूट जाना
- चूरचूर करना
- रोक लेना
- उल्लंघन करना
- चूर डालना
- सेंध लगाना
- तुड़ाना
- पालन न करना
- अंतराल
- दरार
- भंजन
- घिसघिस
break Definition
- separate or cause to separate into pieces as a result of a blow, shock, or strain. ( एक झटका, झटका या खिंचाव के परिणामस्वरूप टुकड़ों में अलग या अलग होने का कारण। )
- interrupt (a continuity, sequence, or course). ( व्यवधान, एक निरंतरता, अनुक्रम, या पाठ्यक्रम)। )
- fail to observe (a law, regulation, or agreement). ( निरीक्षण करने में विफल (एक कानून, विनियमन, या समझौता)। )
- crush the emotional strength, spirit, or resistance of. ( भावनात्मक शक्ति, भावना या प्रतिरोध को कुचलें। )
- undergo a change or enter a new state, in particular. ( विशेष रूप से एक परिवर्तन से गुजरना या एक नया राज्य दर्ज करना। )
- an interruption of continuity or uniformity. ( निरंतरता या एकरूपता का एक व्यवधान। )
- a pause in work or during an activity or event. ( काम में या किसी गतिविधि या घटना के दौरान रुकें। )
- a gap or opening. ( एक अंतराल या उद्घाटन। )
- an instance of breaking; the point where something is broken. ( तोड़ने की एक आवृत्ति; वह बिंदु जहाँ कुछ टूटा हो। )
- a player's turn to make the opening shot of a game or a rack. ( गेम या रैक के शुरुआती शॉट को बनाने के लिए एक खिलाड़ी की बारी। )
break Example
- He thought he had only sprained an ankle but doctors at a local clinic took several x-rays and told him he had suffered a break . ( उसने सोचा कि उसने केवल एक टखने में मोच लगाई है, लेकिन एक स्थानीय क्लिनिक में डॉक्टरों ने कई एक्स-रे लिए और उसे बताया कि उसे ब्रेक लगा है। )
- On Saturday morning, a woman visits the family home for about four hours in order to give the parents a brief break . ( माता-पिता को थोड़ी छुट्टी देने के लिए शनिवार की सुबह एक महिला लगभग चार घंटे के लिए परिवार के घर जाती है। )
- With the recent weather conditions and the Christmas break they have had a well earned rest. ( हाल ही के मौसम की स्थिति और क्रिसमस के ब्रेक के साथ उन्होंने अच्छी तरह से अर्जित आराम किया है। )
- Having set up the venue themselves, they left for a break but on their return found the hall locked again. ( आयोजन स्थल को स्वयं स्थापित करने के बाद, वे विराम के लिए रवाना हुए, लेकिन उनके लौटने पर हॉल को फिर से बंद कर दिया गया। )
- They know that this could break the movement and we are afraid that it will work. ( वे जानते हैं कि इससे आंदोलन टूट सकता है और हमें डर है कि यह काम करेगा। )
- She was able to make good on a pass from her linemate to break the scoreless tie. ( वह अपने अलंकृत से एक स्कोर पर अच्छा करने में सक्षम था ताकि स्कोरर टाई को तोड़ सके। )
- It would open up the ice for a big play, the long pass and a quick break . ( यह एक बड़े खेल, लंबे पास और एक त्वरित ब्रेक के लिए बर्फ को खोल देगा। )
More Sentence
- If you spot smoking triggers write down how you could deal with them if you were to stop smoking - a good way to break a habit is to replace it with a new one.
- I started trying to break the code and was getting nowhere.
- We were standing near the beach watching the embers of someone else's fire and listening to waves break on the shingle.
- I never break my promise
- Repaving work that has so far cost £2.2m is restarting following a break over the Christmas period.
- Strikers were disgusted to hear that journalists were being paid £100 per day extra to break the strike.
- Occasionally a third will be called in to break a tie between the previous two.
- he didn't get a break in front of goal
- All I plan to do is enjoy my summer break and wait and see what happens.
- After a three-year break they decided to put this popular event back on the track!
- he'll break sooner or later
- For a young person like Jane, getting a break - an opportunity to prove her talent - is a huge issue.
- It will then break for almost a month, before returning to the Guildhall for two to three weeks from July 2.
- Her big break came when she landed the job as hostess in the TV gameshow Wheel of Fortune.
- Do you regularly break the rules or minor laws rather than put up with the frustration of obeying them?
- I actually love spring break, and desperately want to break for spring.
- The grey, looming clouds began to break apart and the blue sky of winter slowly began to show.
- So the summer break seemed an ideal opportunity to visit the outlaws, my partner's parents, and brush up on the German.
- I'll talk to you during the break
- The break in the electric circuit had not been closed by pressure on the trip wire.
- Finally, I'd also invest some money in some of the hugely talented musicians and actors we know who are just waiting for their big break .
- It would seem like the sort of machine you'd break just by turning it off.
- to break the journey