cadge - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of cadge in Hindi

  • भीख मांगना
  • भिक्षा मांगना
  • फैरी लगाना
  • बेचते फिरना

cadge Definition


  • ask for or obtain (something to which one is not strictly entitled). ( के लिए पूछें या प्राप्त करें (कुछ ऐसा है जिसके लिए कोई सख्ती से हकदार नहीं है)। )


  • a padded wooden frame on which hooded hawks are carried to the field. ( एक गद्देदार लकड़ी का फ्रेम जिस पर हूड किए गए फावड़े को मैदान में ले जाया जाता है। )

cadge Example

  • You may be able to cadge a tin of warm water for shaving. ( आप शेविंग के लिए गर्म पानी के एक टिन को कैड करने में सक्षम हो सकते हैं। )
  • he eats whenever he can cadge a meal ( वह जब भी खाना खा सकता है, खा सकता है )
  • People started to cadge invitations to see our au pair, and across the nation we British were briefly seized by the same deeply embarrassing tropical madness. ( लोगों ने हमारी au जोड़ी को देखने के लिए निमंत्रण देना शुरू कर दिया, और पूरे राष्ट्र में हम ब्रिटिशों द्वारा समान रूप से समान रूप से शर्मनाक उष्णकटिबंधीय पागलपन द्वारा जब्त किए गए थे। )
  • You cannot keep your hawk on the cadge for ever -- ah, nor hood her for ever! ( आप अपने हौज को हमेशा के लिए कैड पर नहीं रख सकते - आह, और न ही उसे हमेशा के लिए हूड! )
  • Owing money and at a dead-end, she decides to head to Phoenix to cadge some dough from her ex-best friend Lavinia, now an arch-conservative with two children and a husband who knows nothing of her past. ( पैसे के कारण और एक मृत-अंत में, वह फीनिक्स के लिए अपने पूर्व-सबसे अच्छे दोस्त लाविनिया से कुछ आटा कैग करने का फैसला करती है, अब एक कट्टर-रूढ़िवादी दो बच्चों और एक पति है जो अपने अतीत के बारे में कुछ नहीं जानता है। )
  • He was not paid except for tips he could get from spectators by telling hunting stories about some of the falcons on the cadge . ( उन्हें उन युक्तियों के अलावा भुगतान नहीं किया गया था, जो वे कैडेज के कुछ बाज़ों के बारे में शिकार की कहानी बताकर दर्शकों से प्राप्त कर सकते थे। )

More Sentence

  • Well, for a start, I've only ever been a very occasional smoker - I cadge cigarettes off people when I'm very drunk and then always regret it the next morning when I not only wake up with a thumping hangover, but also with a mouth like an ashtray.
  • Tyndrum must be one of the easiest places in Scotland to cadge a ride.
  • They get the chance to cadge a bit of his energy and charisma.
  • The boy used to cadge cigarettes from Taylor but they lost touch only to run into each other more than a year later when the victim was aged 15-years-old.
  • they cadge, but timidly
  • The latter may in fact end up in the back garden, joining one we intend to transplant from the front, and another that we've cadged from a neighbour.
  • A famous cadger , he had a kamikaze predilection for turning on benefactors and friends.
  • I cadged a lift back to the station in Roger's car, which was kind of him.
  • A letter written on February 16th, 1953, to the ailing Welsh poet, who in fact died later that year, offering what small mead of help he could, draws back the veil upon an aspect of the Cymric cadger hitherto well hidden.
  • I don't remember how I got there, but I suppose I must have cadged a lift from someone.
  • I would carry the hooded birds on the cadge , cast them off then fold it up and put it into my vest.
  • Five lovely barbaries were assembled on the cadge .
  • He and Nolan cadged free rides on trams driven by Nolan's father.
  • For ages the trunk road from east to west passed close by, the old hotel at Kingswell ‘Cadgers’ Knowe, marks the camping ground of cadgers and humbler folks.
  • But first I cadged for myself two thick and hefty wood-chopping sections of beautifully grained cypress; what a difference that makes in the firewood chopping ritual!
  • A self-confessed cadger from Dersingham has been given a huge thank you by the personnel for the support she has given to their Kenyan appeal.
  • It only took six days to run out of money, and then everyone got together and cadged money off relatives to continue the shoot.
  • The next morning he called a friend, told him what had happened, and cadged a lift into the city centre to sign on, the court heard.
  • So they cadged meetings with 86 luminaries, successful leaders in an eclectic array of professions.
  • So when falcons were carried on the cadge you could quickly see the required falcon by the colour of the eye panels and the type of feathers in its plume.
  • This is a preamble to confessing that, like Jackie, I cadged a few puffs of a fat Cuban on Christmas Day.
  • At Brunton Park on Tuesday night, the cheeky talisman was taken for a ride around the pitch after cadging a lift in a sponsored car positioned in front of the main stand prior to kick-off.
  • He felt awkward and cold stood on the pavement outside the club, dressed as a woman, clutching his three pack of chocolate oranges, as one-by-one the various people he could possibly have cadged a lift from disappeared.
  • A cadger is a carrier who travels between town and country with butter, eggs, and shop-wares or someone who sells things in the street.