blank - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of blank in Hindi
- रिक्त
- खाली
- सादा
- निरंक
- रिक्त
- कोरा
- ख़ाली
- रिक्त स्थान
- फारम
blank Definition
- cover up, obscure, or cause to appear blank or empty. ( कवर, अस्पष्ट या खाली या खाली दिखाई देने का कारण। )
- defeat (a sports opponent) without allowing the opposition to score. ( हार (एक खेल प्रतिद्वंद्वी) विपक्ष को स्कोर करने की अनुमति के बिना। )
- a space left to be filled in a document. ( किसी दस्तावेज़ में भरा जाने वाला स्थान। )
- a cartridge containing gunpowder but no bullet, used for training or as a signal. ( एक कारतूस जिसमें बारूद होता है लेकिन कोई गोली नहीं होती है, प्रशिक्षण के लिए या संकेत के रूप में इस्तेमाल किया जाता है। )
- an empty space or period of time, especially in terms of a lack of knowledge or understanding. ( खाली जगह या समय की अवधि, विशेष रूप से ज्ञान या समझ की कमी के संदर्भ में। )
- an object that has no mark or design on it, in particular. ( एक वस्तु जिस पर कोई निशान या डिजाइन नहीं है, विशेष रूप से। )
- a dash written instead of a word or letter, especially instead of an obscenity or profanity. ( शब्द या पत्र के बजाय लिखा गया डैश, विशेष रूप से अश्लीलता या अपवित्रता के बजाय। )
- (of a surface or background) unrelieved by decorative or other features; bare, empty, or plain. ( (एक सतह या पृष्ठभूमि की) सजावटी या अन्य सुविधाओं से असंबंधित; नंगे, खाली, या सादे। )
- showing incomprehension or no reaction. ( समझ में न आना या कोई प्रतिक्रिया न होना। )
- complete; absolute (used emphatically with negative force). ( पूर्ण; निरपेक्ष (नकारात्मक शक्ति के साथ सशक्त रूप से प्रयुक्त)। )
blank Example
- That was when we discovered that the video code hadn't worked and the tape was blank . ( जब हमें पता चला कि वीडियो कोड काम नहीं किया था और टेप खाली था। )
- Now with a blank mind she has nothing left to type. ( अब खाली दिमाग के साथ उसके पास टाइप करने के लिए कुछ नहीं बचा है। )
- John, though his memory was blank , seemed to understand the world around him well enough. ( जॉन, हालांकि उनकी याददाश्त खाली थी, लगता था कि वह अपने आसपास की दुनिया को अच्छी तरह से समझ सकते हैं। )
- So perhaps it was a real gun and a real head, but does a blank constitute a real bullet? ( तो शायद यह एक वास्तविक बंदूक और एक असली सिर था, लेकिन क्या एक खाली एक वास्तविक गोली का गठन करता है? )
- Sighing, I took out a blank sheet of scrap paper and started brainstorming. ( आह भरते हुए, मैंने स्क्रैप पेपर की एक खाली शीट निकाली और विचार-मंथन शुरू किया। )
- So while Shakespeare's life is not a total blank , it does contain a lot of empty spaces. ( इसलिए जबकि शेक्सपियर का जीवन कुल रिक्त नहीं है, इसमें बहुत सारे रिक्त स्थान हैं। )
- He looks momentarily confused, his face going blank until it hardens. ( वह क्षण भर उलझन में दिखता है, जब तक वह कठोर नहीं हो जाता तब तक उसका चेहरा खाली है। )
- Before I went out of the car, I made sure that the recorder had a blank tape inside or else my project would be in jeopardy. ( इससे पहले कि मैं कार से बाहर जाता, मैंने सुनिश्चित कर लिया कि रिकॉर्डर के अंदर एक खाली टेप था या फिर मेरी परियोजना खतरे में पड़ जाएगी। )
- The recordings are available and there are several minutes of blank tape at the end of each side. ( रिकॉर्डिंग उपलब्ध हैं और प्रत्येक पक्ष के अंत में कई मिनट के खाली टेप हैं। )
- Today is one of those ‘blogless’ days where my mind is a blank so this will be short! ( आज उन less ब्लॉगलेस ’दिनों में से एक है जहाँ मेरा दिमाग एक कोरा है इसलिए यह छोटा होगा! )
More Sentence
- Ensure you have a digital video camera with a fully charged battery and plenty of blank tapes.
- At this point the lens blank has had additional curves ground in the back of the lens and it has been polished.
- Nobody had their putting stroke in the best mode, resulting in another blank day for the twos pool and another pot to carry forward to next week's outing.
- He went into his room and pulled out a blank sheet of paper and pen and he began to write a reply letter.
- At this point, brain, spirit and soul were all on overload and a total blank arrived.
- By the early 1970s, we were voraciously recording music onto blank cassettes: LPs, concerts, tunes from the radio.
- Those advisers who urged on him an expression of contrition as a way of finding closure met with a blank refusal.
- I'll sit there, trying so hard to think of something to say but it isn't even a matter of willing myself to say it, my mind is blank .
- His boss set him to cutting and pasting blank sheets of profile paper into strips of varying dimensions for later use in the field.
- I quickly racked my brain for the answer, only to turn up with nothing but a blank .
- You give hugely to the town and the country but when you look for a little back for yourself, you get a blank refusal.
- The stunning reality of the battle pushed Alex's mind into total blank .
- But, more importantly, you'll find a blank for words that should not appear.
- This is the equivalent of a cultural vacuum, a blank canvas, an empty stage.
- I got myself some food and drinks and sat on the couch-bed staring at a blank plasma flat screen TV.
- About 5 minutes after they leave for their conference, the food will arrive. The waiter looks at you questioningly, and your mind goes blank .
- I record my favourite songs onto blank tapes to play in the car and I normally do them by mood or genre.
- We had to run out and buy a blank book for her to record daydreams and nightdreams, and she's been at it for a week now.
- Seira pulled out a pencil and some sheets of blank manuscript paper.
- The image of her empty eyes and blank face was burnt into his memory.